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Dermatology Online Journal

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Rash after visiting Tucson

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Rash after visiting Tucson
Herbert P Goodheart1 and Arthur C Huntley2
Dermatology Online Journal 7(2): 10

1. Department of Dermatology, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, The Bronx 2. Department of Dermatology University of California Davis and Section of Dermatology, VA Mather Hospital Sacramento

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Figure 1
Figure 1. Juicy papules on the dorsum of the right hand.

The erythematous, juicy papules on the dorsum of this 33 year-old woman hands, itch intensely. She was visiting a friend in Tucson, Arizona and noted the itching shortly after she walked her friend's dog. Upon returning home to New York, she sought dermatologic advice because the itching continued unabated; however, no new lesions appeared, and those that originally were present remained limited to her hands and wrists.

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