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Open Access Publications from the University of California

UC Berkeley Library

LAUC-B and Library Staff Research bannerUC Berkeley

Pop-up exhibits as an outreach tool: Connecting academic and public audiences with library resources

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Subject specialty libraries like the Earth Sciences and Map Library at UC Berkeley thrive on active user communities, but promoting awareness of resources and services can be slow and time-consuming. In Fall 2014, two new librarians there introduced a series of monthly pop-up exhibits called “Maps and More” in order to help build that community. Now in their third year, the show-and-tell sessions are designed to lure visitors into the library and spark new connections among students, researchers and librarians, and renewed engagement with library collections. The librarians surveyed participants in spring 2015 and fall 2016 to assess the impact of “Maps and More” in terms of visitors’ perception of the events and awareness of library services and materials. One significant finding from the spring 2015 survey is that a quarter of respondents had never been to the Earth Sciences and Map Library before the session. The exhibits draw in participants from a range of departments, including significant numbers from Seismology, Earth and Planetary Science, Geography, as well as members of the public. Sessions held on Cal Day -- the university’s annual public open house with 30-40,000 public visitors -- were particularly good outreach experiences. Partnerships with other units have great potential for expanding the reach of these events. The Maps and More exhibits have proven to be a successful outreach tool for raising the profile of the library collections and services and helping users understand maps as research materials.

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poster, final draft
