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Return Migration Among Latin American Elderly in the U.S.: A Study of its Magnitude, Characteristics and Consequences
- Vega, Alma Celina
- Advisor(s): Lee, Ronald D
The 1965 Immigration Act released a stream of immigration from Asia
and Latin America that continues to shape the U.S. population
composition. While some of these migrants promptly returned to
their countries of origin, many spent many years in the U.S. and
face retirement with truncated work histories, legal impediments to
old-age support programs, and social networks scattered in two
countries. This dissertation examines one issue in the aging
process for Latin American immigrants, namely the location of their
retirement. I examine the extent to which older immigrants return
to their home countries during later life and whether retirement
income plays a role in this decision.
A daunting challenge in studying this topic is data limitations.
The migration literature notes numerous inconsistencies across data
sources due to their different strengths and limitations. To
address this issue, I do an in-depth examination of the magnitude
and characteristics of return migration among older Mexican immigrants using multiple data sources to assess the consistency of the outcomes. In
chapter 2, I discuss the rate of return migration among Mexican
immigrants aged 50 years and their characteristics compared to their
U.S.-residing counterparts using the Integrated Public-Use Microdata
Series (IPUMS) for Mexico, the National Survey of Demographic
Dynamics (ENADID), and the Mexican Health and Aging Survey (MHAS).
I find that the five-year incidence of return migration from the U.S. to Mexico ranges from two percent when generated using IPUMS Mexico to six percent when using the MHAS. However, while the rate of return migration among
this population is inconsistent across data sources, certain
characteristics are not. All data sources suggest that return
migrants are predominantly male and have intermediary levels of
education. Characteristics that are inconsistent across data
sources are marital, employment, and citizenship status.
Aside from the magnitude and characteristics of return migration, I
also examine one possible reason for return migration during later
life, namely higher levels of retirement income. Mexicans with
greater retirement benefits may view this income stream as a means
toward greater luxury in the home country. Conversely, these migrants
may return migrate only upon concluding that they cannot make ends
meet in the U.S. Each scenario has vastly different implications for
the U.S. economy. I examine this question in two chapters in order
to take advantage of two forms of data: survey and administrative
data. Pooling IPUMS U.S.A. and IPUMS Mexico, I conduct logistic
regressions to determine if higher levels of retirement income are
associated with an increased probability of return migration. I also
do a sensitivity analysis to assess possible biases associated with
pooling two data sources. Results from this chapter suggest that
Mexican immigrants with lower levels of retirement income are more
likely to return to their home country during later life than those
with higher levels of retirement income. This pattern holds assuming
various rates of Hispanic undercount. However, in the absence of a
natural experiment, one cannot attach a causal interpretation to the results of this chapter.
The experimental nature of chapter 4 does enable a causal
interpretation. In chapter 4, I use a natural experiment whereby the
Social Security Administration substantially lowered the Social
Security benefits of the 1917-1921 birth cohorts due to a mistake in
their benefit calculation formula. These birth cohorts have since
been referred to as the ``notch" generation as graphs depicting
average benefit amounts by birth cohort show a visible notch for this
group. In chapter 4, I use this natural source of exogeneity to
observe whether the ``notch" generation was more likely to return
migrate than those who did not receive these lower benefits. Results
of this chapter indicate that Social Security benefits do not affect
the probability of return migration for Latin American primary Social
Security beneficiaries.
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