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Open Access Publications from the University of California

Shifting to a checklist rubric increased alignment between assignment learning objectives, assignment prompts, and the rubric criteria in a 2nd semester introductory physics lab

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Investigating alignment between learning objectives, question prompts, and rubric criteria in a second-semester introductory physics lab. We investigated alignment between course learning objectives, learning objectives for specific labs, prompts within those labs, and rubric criteria for a second-semester introductory physics lab course at UC Merced. Starting in spring 2020, the first- and second-semester labs were redesigned based on the American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT) recommendations for instructional labs. The course learning objectives align with the AAPT recommendations and learning objectives for the physics major and campus’ general education program. However, an explicit check for alignment between the course learning objectives, objectives for specific labs, lab prompts, and rubric criteria was left undone due to the shift to emergency remote instruction. Returning to in-person labs, Jarrod investigated alignment between lab objectives, prompts, and rubric criteria for four second-semester introductory physics lab manuals by applying Bloom’s Taxonomy to Fall 2021 materials. We continue this work with Spring 2022 materials, which had been significantly edited.

Carrie Menke, Associate Teaching Professor, UC Merced

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