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Open Access Publications from the University of California

UC Berkeley

UC Berkeley Electronic Theses and Dissertations bannerUC Berkeley

Cell non-autonomous control of autophagy, metabolism, and the unfolded protein response of the endoplasmic reticulum by glial cells


Glia are the protectors of the nervous system, providing neurons with support and protection from cytotoxic insults. We previously discovered that four astrocyte-like glia can regulate organismal proteostasis and longevity in C. elegans. Expression of the UPRER transcription factor, XBP-1s, in these glia increases stress resistance, longevity, and activates the UPRER in intestinal cells via neuropeptides. Autophagy, a key regulator of metabolism and aging, has been described as a cell autonomous process. Surprisingly, we find that glial XBP-1s enhances proteostasis and longevity by cell non-autonomously reprogramming organismal lipid metabolism and activating autophagy. Glial XBP-1s regulates the activation of another transcription factor, HLH-30/TFEB, in the intestine. HLH-30 activates intestinal autophagy, increases intestinal lipid catabolism, and upregulates a robust transcriptional program. Our study reveals a novel role for glia in regulating peripheral lipid metabolism, autophagy, and organellar health through peripheral activation of HLH-30 and autophagy.

Cell non-autonomous signaling of organellar stress response pathways requires the detection of stress, release of a signal, detection of that signal in a separate tissue, and activation of the same stress response pathway in peripheral tissue. Here, I investigate the role of another signaling pathway, TGF-ꞵ, in the cell autonomous and cell non-autonomous signaling pathways of the UPRER, UPRmt, and HSR. Interestingly, I find that knockdown of components in the TGF-ꞵ pathway, specifically the DBL-1/SMA pathway, leads to a myriad of effects on the activation of transcriptional reporters of the UPRER, UPRmt, and HSR.

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