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UC San Diego

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Ischemic cardiac stromal fibroblast-derived protein mediators in the infarcted myocardium and transcriptomic profiling at single cell resolution

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This article focuses on screening the major secreted proteins by the ischemia-challenged cardiac stromal fibroblasts (CF), the assessment of their expression status and functional role in the post-ischemic left ventricle (LV) and in the ischemia-challenged CF culture and to phenotype CF at single cell resolution based on the positivity of the identified mediators. The expression level of CRSP2, HSP27, IL-8, Cofilin-1, and HSP90 in the LV tissues following coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) and myocardial infarction (MI) and CF cells followed the screening profile derived from the MS/MS findings. The histology data unveiled ECM disorganization, inflammation and fibrosis reflecting the ischemic pathology. CRSP2, HSP27, and HSP90 were significantly upregulated in the LV-CABG tissues with a concomitant reduction ion LV-MI whereas Cofilin-1, IL8, Nrf2, and Troponin I were downregulated in LV-CABG and increased in LV-MI. Similar trends were exhibited by ischemic CF. Single cell transcriptomics revealed multiple sub-phenotypes of CF based on their respective upregulation of CRSP2, HSP27, IL-8, Cofilin-1, HSP90, Troponin I and Nrf2 unveiling pathological and pro-healing phenotypes. Further investigations regarding the underlying signaling mechanisms and validation of sub-populations would offer novel translational avenues for the management of cardiac diseases.

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