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Open Access Publications from the University of California

UC Berkeley

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Modeling Genetic Control of Vector-borne Infectious Diseases: Mechanistic and Machine Learning Approaches


This dissertation presents computational approaches to understand the entomological and epidemiological dynamics associated with malaria transmission and genetic vector control. From both mechanistic and deep learning perspectives, this work provides a computational toolkit to i) estimate the entomological and epidemiological impacts of novel genetic vector control tools, ii) understand the relationship between genetic parameters and outcomes of interest, and iii) emulate and calibrate complex mechanistic models of malaria transmission to external data.

Chapter 1 surveys the current landscape of vector control interventions and provides historical context to this work. Chapter 2 proposes a ``decoupled'' vector-human mechanistic model to estimate the impacts on prevalence and clinical incidence of malaria associated with the deployment of genetic vector control tools in \textit{Anopheles} mosquitoes. Combining an entomological model of gene inheritance with an epidemiological model of malaria transmission via a novel sampling algorithm, this framework provides a modular way to simulate the impacts of genetic vector control interventions. Chapter 3 uses this framework to quantify the relative importance of various genetic parameters in a CRISPR-Cas9-based homing gene drive on epidemiological outcomes of interest, parameterized to two African locations of interest across varying transmission intensities. Finally, Chapter 4 provides a deep learning framework to emulate a complex model of malaria transmission and use this approach in conjunction with approaches from numerical optimization to calibrate the model to external data. Taken together, this work contributes to the advancement of computational modeling in epidemiology and holds potential for the design and implementation of urgently-needed novel interventions for vector control. Chapter 5 concludes this work by considering its implications and potential future directions.

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