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Open Access Publications from the University of California

Conference Proceedings

Proceedings of Form and Analysis in Mayan Linguistics 5 (FAMLi 5) bannerUC Santa Cruz

Proceedings of Form and Analysis in Mayan Linguistics 5 (FAMLi 5)

This site publishes papers from the proceedings of the 5th meeting of Form and Analysis in Mayan Linguistics (FAMLi 5), which took place Aug. 10-11, 2018 in Antigua, Guatemala. We thank the UMD Language Science Center and Guatemala Field Station and Cooperación Española for providing financial and logistical support for the conference, and all of the conference participants who helped make the event a success.

The editors

Ryan Bennett, Robert Henderson, Pedro Mateo Pedro, and Megan Harvey


Este sitio publica artículos de las actas del 5° encuentro de Forma y Análisis en la Lingüística Maya (FAMLi 5), que tuvo lugar el 10-11 de agosto, 2018 en Antigua, Guatemala. Agradecemos el UMD Language Science Center and Guatemala Field Station y Cooperación Española por su apoyo financiero y logístico para la conferencia, y agradecemos a todos los participantes por sus contribuciones a un evento exitoso.

Los editores

Ryan Bennett, Robert Henderson, Pedro Mateo Pedro, y Megan Harvey