Varieties of SOCR training and dissemination events are organized each year and most of these will be archived here as event-specific materials and learning resources.
SOCR Events
2007 SOCR/CAUSEway/UCLA Continuing Statistics Education Workshop (4)
SOCR/CAUSE Workshop Video Stream: Day 2
This site contains MPEG files including Part 2 of the video stream for Day 2 of the SOCR/CAUSE 2007 Continuing Statistics Education with Technology Workshop that took place Aug. 06-08, 2007 at UCLA. The Workshop webpage is: http://wiki.stat.ucla.edu/socr/index.php/SOCR_Events_Aug2007.
- 7 supplemental videos
SOCR/CAUSE Workshop Video Stream: Day 1
This is an MPEG file that contains the Part 1 of the video stream for Day 1 of the SOCR/CAUSE 2007 Continuing Statistics Education with Technology Workshop that took place Aug. 06-08, 2007 at UCLA. The Workshop webpage is: wiki.stat.ucla.edu/socr/index.php/SOCR_Events_Aug2007.
- 1 supplemental image
- 13 supplemental videos
SOCR/CAUSE Workshop Video Stream: Day 3
This is an MPEG file that contains the Part 3 of the video stream (Day 3) of the SOCR/CAUSE 2007 Continuing Statistics Education with Technology Workshop that took place Aug. 06-08, 2007 at UCLA. The Workshop webpage is: http://wiki.stat.ucla.edu/socr/index.php/SOCR_Events_Aug2007.
- 5 supplemental videos
Other Recent Work (4)
It's Online, Therefore it Exists! 2009 SOCR Continuing Statistics Education Training & Development Workshop
This book contains instructional materials, pedagogical techniques and hands-on activities for technology-enhanced science education. These educational resources were presented at the 2009 SOCR Continuing Statistics Education Workshop entitled “It's Online, Therefore it Exists! 2009 SOCR Continuing Statistics Education Training & Development Workshop,” which took place at the University of California, Los Angeles, August 10-12, 2009. This book was written to provide modern pedagogical perspective into technology-enhanced blended learning and instruction. It reflects the direction of amalgamation of knowledge from multiple disciplines with recent open networking and technological advances. This trend is anticipated to accelerate in the next decade with seamless integration of open-access data, learning materials, computational resources and collaborative environments connected via language, platform and geo-politically agnostic interfaces. There are four novel features of this book – it is community-built, completely free-open-access (in terms of use and contributions), blends concepts with technology and it is electronically available online in multilingual format. This book covers the narrow scientific area of probability and statistics education; however, the principles we promote in the book can easily be extended to all other science and technology fields.
Statistics Online Computational Resource for Education
The Statistics Online Computational Resource (www.SOCR.ucla.edu) provides one of the largest collections of free Internet-based resources for probability and statistics education. SOCR develops, validates and disseminates two core types of materials – instructional resources and computational libraries.
2009 It's Online, Therefore it Exists! A Workshop on Technology-Enhanced Probability and Statistics Education Using SOCR Resources
The 2009 SOCR aims to demonstrate the functionality, utilization and assessment of the current SOCR resources in probability and statistics curricula at different levels. The SOCR tools, activities and materials are openly and anonymously available over the Internet to the entire community. This workshop will be of most value to AP teachers and college instructors of probability and statistics classes who have interests in exploring novel technology-enhanced approaches for improving statistics education. The workshop will provide an interactive forum for exchange of ideas and recommendations for strategies to integrate computers, modern pedagogical approaches, the Internet and new student assessment techniques. Registration and participation is free and all participants will be provided with free room and board for the duration of the workshop. There is a limit of the participants we can admit, but the workshop will be streamed live. URL: http://wiki.stat.ucla.edu/socr/index.php/SOCR_Events_Aug2009