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Open Access Publications from the University of California

Submission Guidelines

All submissions must be previously unpublished and original material. Please do not include your name or other identifying information in the body of your article. Collaborative works are acceptable for submission.

All abstracts and manuscripts must be submitted electronically through our web interface through eScholarship.

File format: All submissions must be uploaded in Word (.doc) or RTF format.  Manuscript Style: Text must be double spaced (with the exception of poetry), with 1 inch margins all around, and in 12-point Times New Roman font.

Because NSN is based in the U.S., use American, rather than Commonwealth, spellings. Generally follow American punctuation and style as described in the Chicago Manual of Style. Place periods and commas inside of both single and double quotation marks. Use commas before and and or in lists of more than two items, as well as after the abbreviations e.g. and i.e. Place only one space after periods.

In general, write numbers under twelve as words and numbers over 13 in numerals; however, use numerals for numbers in pairs or sets, as well as before the word percent. Do not use the percent sign (%) in running text.

Do not use italics for common Latin abbreviations such as i.e., e.g., and et al. Do not use special fonts (bold, italic, or underlining) for emphasis. Subheadings, if used, should appear in bold.


Languages: All abstracts and submissions must be in English for review. Quotations in languages other than English must be accompanied by translations. For special formats (e.g. poetry, video, etc.), the editors will determine the language policy on a case-by-case basis if non-English languages are used. Terms or concepts of non-English origin may appear without translation or italics if their usage is well established in Ethnic Studies (e.g. mestizo) or modern English usage (e.g. de rigeur).

References: Please follow the Chicago Manual of Style's formatting for endnotes. Endnotes should be properly inserted through your word processor. After the first reference to a particular work, all subsequent references should be shortened to last name of the author followed by a comma and the page number of the reference; when more than one work by the same author has been cited, a short title is necessary, as well as the author’s last name. A shortened reference to an article in a periodical should include only the last name of the author and the short title of the article and the page number of the reference.

Length: Abstracts should be 250 words or less. Book reviews and special formats (see below) do not require abstracts. Customary submissions' length is between 10 and 30 pages (up to 7,500 words), except for book reviews and texts that require special formats (e.g. poetry, art works, etc.) which the editors will consider on a case-by-case basis.

Images and Multimedia: The digital format of NSN allows us to publish images, film, and sound clips. Best formats are JPG, PNG, MP3, AVI, and MP4 formats. These files must be below 25 MB. Multimedia submissions, in addition to being published in the journal, could be featured on our website as a way to promote your work and the journal with input from the author.

Biography: All contributors are to submit a brief biography including institutional affiliation, title, etc. of forty words or less through the online submission system.

Undergraduate Students: Contributors who are currently undergraduate students should indicate so through the online submission system in the "Comments for the Editor" section.

Copyright: The author is responsible for obtaining permission for any copyrighted material used in an article. We require signed permission from the copyright holder if quoted material exceeds the amount allowed under the “fair use” provisions of copyright law.

Review Process

All works submitted will be considered. NSN is a reviewed journal featuring scholarly and creative works, as well as book reviews. Submissions considered for publication are sent to the editorial board and faculty consultants for comment and a decision is made after the comments are received.

Your name is not included on the manuscript in this process. The whole review process usually takes about six weeks. We may ask for revisions based on the board's and readers' comments. If you are asked to make revisions, you must do so within two weeks of receiving our feedback.

Using eScholarship

The University of California's eScholarship service is our online submission management and electronic publishing system. Though the interface is intuitive, a series of helpful instructional videos on how to use eScholarship can be found here.