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Open Access Publications from the University of California

Previous Editorial Board, Volume 2

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Lauren DeMarti

Lauren is double majoring in Classical Civilizations and Art History at the University of California, Berkeley. She is spending the spring of 2014 in Dublin, broadening her Classics education at Trinity College, Dublin studying Greek History and Ancient Religion. She is most interested in the changes and rules of Rome under Augustus, and the religious practices and rituals of ancient cultures, particularly as they are interwoven with and explained by popular mythology. Outside of classical subjects, Lauren is an avid seamstress and costumer, frequent yoga practitioner, insatiable foodie, and enjoys shooting rifles at the range in her free time.

Rachel Feldman

Rachel is currently in her third year studying Classical Civilizations and English at the University of California, Berkeley. She studied Latin in high school which inspired her to continue her classical studies at the university level, where she is particularly interested in exploring the eschatology of the Ancient Mediterranean world. Rachel also indulges in ancient and modern poetry from Sappho to Anne Carson, and recently became the managing editor for the Berkeley Poetry Review. Outside of her studies she enjoys science fiction/fantasy, theater, and photography.

Daniel Kwak

Daniel is a third year Classical languages and Ancient History double major at the University of California, Berkeley. He is also a research assistant at the Aleshire Center for the study of Greek epigraphy and a research apprentice under Donald J. Mastronarde, working on medieval paleography and transcription of ancient texts. His main academic interest lies in Greek tragedy, especially the Aeschylean Plays. His lifetime goal is to produce meaningful Korean translations of all the surviving plays by Aeschylus, Sopohcles and Euripides.

Meredith Millar

Meredith is in her third year studying Art History and Classical Civilizations at the University of California, Berkeley. After spending the summer of 2011 on the western coast of Turkey, she became increasingly interested in the material culture of settlements outside the Greek mainland. Outside of her studies, Meredith enjoys buying things she doesn’t need at flea markets and hardware stores, listening to cinematically overwrought soundtracks from science fiction video games, and indulging in writings from 19th century British painters of the Pre-Raphaelite movement.

Brendan Pinder

Brendan is a third year Classics and Political Science major at Berkeley. Enamored with the ancient world since early childhood, the classics have come to shape his passions for theatre, politics, art and poetry. Of particular interest to him is the archaeology of the Levant and the cult of Dionysos.

Patrick Smith

Patrick is a third year Classical Languages major at the University of California, Berkeley. He caught the Latin bug in high school, (partially) thanks to viewing HBO's Rome at an impressionable age. His interests include first century BCE Roman history, ancient biography, and reading overly dramatic fictionalizations of great Roman lives.

Anna Trejo

Anna is graduating in Classical Languages and Art History at the University of California, Berkeley. Anna studied German at the Freie Universität, Berlin in 2012 and took part in a Classical/Hellenistic archaeological dig in Bulgaria in 2013. Most recently she was a Greek tutor at the University of Cambridge, England. Her academic interests encompass the art, culture, and political history of the Ancient Mediterranean region. She is specifically interested in the politics and representation of power and race in ancient sources. Outside of her studies, Anna is on the board of the Berkeley Undergraduate Association of Art History, enjoys pursuing her own art, and indulges in kickboxing.