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Open Access Publications from the University of California

Department of Mathematics

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UC Davis is situated in the heart of California. Founded in 1933, the Department of Mathematics stays relevant in mathmatics research both through continuing research and in discovering new talent. Research is encouraged across all levels, from undergraduate through graduate, as well as through outreach programs.



We study the structure of the set of all possible affine hyperplane sections of a convex polytope. We present two different cell decompositions of this set, induced by hyperplane arrangements. Using our decomposition, we bound the number of possible combinatorial types of sections and craft algorithms that compute optimal sections of the polytope according to various combinatorial and metric criteria, including sections that maximize the number of k-dimensional faces, maximize the volume, and maximize the integral of a polynomial. Our optimization algorithms run in polynomial time in fixed dimension, but the same problems show computational complexity hardness otherwise. Our tools can be extended to intersection with halfspaces and projections onto hyperplanes. Finally, we present several experiments illustrating our theorems and algorithms on famous polytopes.

Cover page of Tree polynomials identify a link between co-transcriptional R-loops and nascent RNA folding

Tree polynomials identify a link between co-transcriptional R-loops and nascent RNA folding


R-loops are a class of non-canonical nucleic acid structures that typically form during transcription when the nascent RNA hybridizes the DNA template strand, leaving the non-template DNA strand unpaired. These structures are abundant in nature and play important physiological and pathological roles. Recent research shows that DNA sequence and topology affect R-loops, yet it remains unclear how these and other factors contribute to R-loop formation. In this work, we investigate the link between nascent RNA folding and the formation of R-loops. We introduce tree-polynomials, a new class of representations of RNA secondary structures. A tree-polynomial representation consists of a rooted tree associated with an RNA secondary structure together with a polynomial that is uniquely identified with the rooted tree. Tree-polynomials enable accurate, interpretable and efficient data analysis of RNA secondary structures without pseudoknots. We develop a computational pipeline for investigating and predicting R-loop formation from a genomic sequence. The pipeline obtains nascent RNA secondary structures from a co-transcriptional RNA folding software, and computes the tree-polynomial representations of the structures. By applying this pipeline to plasmid sequences that contain R-loop forming genes, we establish a strong correlation between the coefficient sums of tree-polynomials and the experimental probability of R-loop formation. Such strong correlation indicates that the pipeline can be used for accurate R-loop prediction. Furthermore, the interpretability of tree-polynomials allows us to characterize the features of RNA secondary structure associated with R-loop formation. In particular, we identify that branches with short stems separated by bulges and interior loops are associated with R-loops.

Cover page of Domains of discontinuity of Lorentzian affine group actions

Domains of discontinuity of Lorentzian affine group actions


We prove nonemptyness of domains of proper discontinuity of Anosov groups of affine Lorentzian transformations of Rn.

Multiscale transforms for signals on simplicial complexes


Our previous multiscale graph basis dictionaries/graph signal transforms—Generalized Haar-Walsh Transform (GHWT); Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform (HGLET); Natural Graph Wavelet Packets (NGWPs); and their relatives—were developed for analyzing data recorded on vertices of a given graph. In this article, we propose their generalization for analyzing data recorded on edges, faces (i.e., triangles), or more generally κ -dimensional simplices of a simplicial complex (e.g., a triangle mesh of a manifold). The key idea is to use the Hodge Laplacians and their variants for hierarchical partitioning of a set of κ -dimensional simplices in a given simplicial complex, and then build localized basis functions on these partitioned subsets. We demonstrate their usefulness for data representation on both illustrative synthetic examples and real-world simplicial complexes generated from a co-authorship/citation dataset and an ocean current/flow dataset.

Effect of fluid elasticity on the emergence of oscillations in an active elastic filament


Many microorganisms propel themselves through complex media by deforming their flagella. The beat is thought to emerge from interactions between forces of the surrounding fluid, the passive elastic response from deformations of the flagellum and active forces from internal molecular motors. The beat varies in response to changes in the fluid rheology, including elasticity, but there are limited data on how systematic changes in elasticity alter the beat. This work analyses a related problem with fixed-strength driving force: the emergence of beating of an elastic planar filament driven by a follower force at the tip of a viscoelastic fluid. This analysis examines how the onset of oscillations depends on the strength of the force and viscoelastic parameters. Compared to a Newtonian fluid, it takes more force to induce the instability in viscoelastic fluids, and the frequency of the oscillation is higher. The linear analysis predicts that the frequency increases with the fluid relaxation time. Using numerical simulations, the model predictions are compared with experimental data on frequency changes in the bi-flagellated alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. The model shows the same trends in response to changes in both fluid viscosity and Deborah number and thus provides a possible mechanistic understanding of the experimental observations.

Weighted Ehrhart theory: Extending Stanley's nonnegativity theorem


We generalize R. P. Stanley's celebrated theorem that the h⁎-polynomial of the Ehrhart series of a rational polytope has nonnegative coefficients and is monotone under containment of polytopes. We show that these results continue to hold for weighted Ehrhart series where lattice points are counted with polynomial weights, as long as the weights are homogeneous polynomials decomposable as sums of products of linear forms that are nonnegative on the polytope. We also show nonnegativity of the h⁎-polynomial as a real-valued function for a larger family of weights. We explore the case when the weight function is the square of a single (arbitrary) linear form. We show stronger results for two-dimensional convex lattice polygons and give concrete examples showing tightness of the hypotheses. As an application, we construct a counterexample to a conjecture by Berg, Jochemko, and Silverstein on Ehrhart tensor polynomials.

Cover page of Modeling time-varying phytoplankton subsidy reveals at-risk species in a Chilean intertidal ecosystem.

Modeling time-varying phytoplankton subsidy reveals at-risk species in a Chilean intertidal ecosystem.


The allometric trophic network (ATN) framework for modeling population dynamics has provided numerous insights into ecosystem functioning in recent years. Herein we extend ATN modeling of the intertidal ecosystem off central Chile to include empirical data on pelagic chlorophyll-a concentration. This intertidal community requires subsidy of primary productivity to support its rich ecosystem. Previous work models this subsidy using a constant rate of phytoplankton input to the system. However, data shows pelagic subsidies exhibit highly variable, pulse-like behavior. The primary contribution of our work is incorporating this variable input into ATN modeling to simulate how this ecosystem may respond to pulses of pelagic phytoplankton. Our model results show that: (1) closely related sea snails respond differently to phytoplankton variability, which is explained by the underlying network structure of the food web; (2) increasing the rate of pelagic-intertidal mixing increases fluctuations in species biomasses that may increase the risk of local extirpation; (3) predators are the most sensitive species to phytoplankton biomass fluctuations, putting these species at greater risk of extirpation than others. Finally, our work provides a straightforward way to incorporate empirical, time-series data into the ATN framework that will expand this powerful methodology to new applications.

Markov Bases: A 25 Year Update


In this article, we evaluate the challenges and best practices associated with the Markov bases approach to sampling from conditional distributions. We provide insights and clarifications after 25 years of the publication of the Fundamental theorem for Markov bases by Diaconis and Sturmfels. In addition to a literature review, we prove three new results on the complexity of Markov bases in hierarchical models, relaxations of the fibers in log-linear models, and limitations of partial sets of moves in providing an irreducible Markov chain. Supplementary materials for this article are available online.

From Quasi-Symmetric to Schur Expansions with Applications to Symmetric Chain Decompositions and Plethysm


It is an important problem in algebraic combinatorics to deduce the Schur function expansion of a symmetric function whose expansion in terms of the fundamental quasisymmetric function is known. For example, formulas are known for the fundamental expansion of a Macdonald symmetric function and for the plethysm of two Schur functions, while the Schur expansions of these expressions are still elusive. Based on work of Egge, Loehr and Warrington, Garsia and Remmel provided a method to obtain the Schur expansion from the fundamental expansion by replacing each quasisymmetric function by a Schur function (not necessarily indexed by a partition) and using straightening rules to obtain the Schur expansion. Here we provide a new method that only involves the coefficients of the quasisymmetric functions indexed by partitions and the quasi-Kostka matrix. As an application, we identify the lexicographically largest term in the Schur expansion of the plethysm of two Schur functions. We provide the Schur expansion of sw [sh](x, y) for w = 2, 3, 4 using novel symmetric chain decompositions of Young’s lattice for partitions in a w × h box. For w = 4, this is the first known combinatorial expression for the coefficient of sλ in sw [sh] for two-row partitions λ, and for w = 3 the combinatorial expression is new.

Cover page of Affine Springer Fibers and Generalized Haiman Ideals (with an Appendix by Eugene Gorsky and Joshua P. Turner)

Affine Springer Fibers and Generalized Haiman Ideals (with an Appendix by Eugene Gorsky and Joshua P. Turner)


Abstract: We compute the Borel–Moore homology of unramified affine Springer fibers for $\textrm{Gr}_n$ under the assumption that they are equivariantly formal and relate them to certain ideals discussed by Haiman. For $n=3$, we give an explicit description of these ideals, compute their Hilbert series, generators, and relations, and compare them to generalized $(q,t)$-Catalan numbers. We also compare the homology to the Khovanov–Rozansky homology of the associated link, and prove a version of a conjecture of Oblomkov, Rasmussen, and Shende in this case.