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Open Access Publications from the University of California

The Bulletin was a quarterly (sometimes more frequent) compilation of stories and commentary of the involvement of cities and local elected officials in foreign policy. Among the topics frequently covered were nuclear freeze votes, nuclear free zones, anti-apartheid divestment campaigns, sister cities, and local ordinances to control and eliminate CFCs (chlorofluorocarbons) and other ozone-depleting compounds.

Cover page of Bulletin of Municipal Foreign Policy - Winter 1986-1987

Bulletin of Municipal Foreign Policy - Winter 1986-1987


INDEXA Message from the Editor/1GeneralWhy Cities Are Entering International Affairs: An Overview/3Mayor Tom Bradley Urges Cities to Enter Foreign Affairs/5Wall Street Journal Blasts Municipal Activism/7Mayor Koch's Response: We Need More Anti-Apartheid Measures/9Business Professor's Response: Local/Federal OverlapsInevitable/10CID's Response: City Policies Unstoppable/10European Leaders Urge City Assistance to the Third World/12Local ActionsWhat Cities Are Doing: An Overview/13Educational MeasuresCambridge Peace Commission Gets Funding for PeaceCurriculum/16New Haven Temporarily Renames Street for Bishop Tutu/16Saint Paul to Educate Citizens on How to Prevent NuclearWar/16Nonbinding Resolutions176 Jurisdictions Now Support A Comprehensive Test Ban/17New Haven Resolutions on South Africa, Arms Race, andIreland/19Saint Paul's Resolution on Central America/19LobbyingAnti-GWEN Efforts Convince Congress to Slash Program/20Oregon Health Division Sending Gorbachev Chernobyl Bill/20Policing MeasuresSeattle Voters Rescind "City of Refuge" Status/21

Selective Zoning7 Nuclear Free Zones Win in November Elections/22Now 131 Nuclear Free Zones/25New Zealand Ambassador Lauds Local Initiatives/26Highlight of 1986: Chicago's Nuclear Free Zone/27Cambridge Releases Draft Study on EconomicDiversification/28Selective Investing and Contracting85 Local Juriscations Divesting from South Africa/29Anti-Apartheid Selective Purchasing Measures Under Attack/31California League of Cities Promoting Anti-ApartheidMeasures/31Cultural RelationshipsGainesville's Soviet-American Sister City Program/32Ten New Soviet-American Sister Cities Approved/33Soviet Spokesman Urges More Soviet-American Twinning/34Irvine Mayor Greets Nicaraguan Baseball Team/35Political RelationshipsAnn Arbor Travels to Juigalpa, Nicaragua/36Economic RelationshipsSan Francisco's Mayor Feinstein Visits Shanghai/36Burgeoning European Movement of Cities Helping ThirdWorld/37New British Group Links Cities with Third World/37Municipal State DepartmentsSeattle Establishes Office of International Affairs/38Global Organizations of CitiesReport from World's Cities in Hiroshima and Nagasaki/39Journals/43Reports/43New Books/43