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Open Access Publications from the University of California

Chicanx-Latinx Law Review

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Submission Guidelines

Who Can Submit

The Chicanx-Latinx Law Review has developed a reputation for publishing strong scholarly work addressing issues unique to the Chicanx-Latinx experience. For almost four decades it has recognized how common law, statutes, legislative policy, and politically popular propositions impact the Latinx community.

CLLR publishes articles, student-written comments, and speeches. The editors reserve the right to determine the suitability of submissions. For additional information, please contact

Submission Requirements

Please include the following at the beginning of your paper:

  1. Author Name
  2. Title, Affiliation
  3. Title of Paper

Format as follows:

  1. Times New Roman font, 12 point size
  2. Double spaced, preference given to articles under 25,000 words in length
  3. We will not publish articles exceeding 35,000 words--except in extraordinary circumstances.

Your paper should have the following structure:

  1. Table of Contents
  2. Footnotes

Overview of the Process

The Review Process:

The Articles Department makes every attempt to review an article within eight weeks of its receipt.

Withdrawing Your Submission:

The author should notify the Journal as soon as possible if he/she is withdrawing an article.

Offer of Publication:

The Editors-in-Chief will contact you by phone and/or email with an offer of publication. Once you accept the Chicanx-Latinx Law Review’s offer, we expect you to withdraw your article from all other law reviews.

Upon acceptance of our offer, an acceptance package including an instruction letter and two licensing agreements for your signature will be sent to you by our Editors-in-Chief.