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Open Access Publications from the University of California

Electronic Green Journal

Electronic Green Journal bannerUCLA

Volume 1 Issue 5 1996


Geography and the Environment

An effort to improve geographic education.

Newspaper Coverage of Zebra Mussels in North America : A Case of "Afghanistanism"?

Few environmental issues have arisen so abruptly, spread so rapidly, and been so clearly linked to human activity as has the introduction of nonindigenous zebra mussels to the surface freshwater of North America. This research examines communication patterns in information about zebra mussels as an example of how the mass media deal with threats to the environment.

New Environmental Education Web Site Provides a Wealth of Information

Information to help teachers become more active users of environmental information on the Internet.

Environmental Resources

News in brief of environmentally-related WWW sites, electronic journals, publications, and other resources.

The Ecocruiser

Electronic resources on environmental topics.