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Open Access Publications from the University of California

Electronic Green Journal

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Guidelines for Book Reviewers

Electronic Green Journal (EGJ) is a professional, refereed publication devoted to disseminating information concerning sources on environmental protection, sustainability, conservation, management of natural resources, and ecologically balanced regional development. Environmental issues frequently cross national borders: therefore, our journal encourages the international sharing of environmental expertise. The journal serves communities as an educational environmental resource, and includes both practical and scholarly articles, bibliographies, reviews, editorial comments, essays, and research reports.

EGJ is written for information consultants, environmentalists, ecologists, regional planners, publishers, booksellers, researchers, educators, librarians, students, and readers interested in worldwide sustainability and environmental topics.

Book Review Guidelines

This material is sent to you with the understanding that you are not reviewing it for any other publication. As the reviewer, you are welcome to keep the copy of the book, provided we publish your review.


Book reviews should be 500-750 words in size 12 Arial font.

Include Reviewer's Information and Citation Information at the top of your book review document, in the following formats:

Reviewer's Information:
name, (e-mail), title, address, phone.

Francis S. Gri ( Program Development Specialist, 1515 E First St. University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, voice:(602)621-1031.

Citation Information:
Author. Title. Place of Publication: Publisher, Date. Number of pages. ISBN: or ISSN: . Price (US $) Type of Binding (paper, hardbound). 

Welzer, H. The culture of stopping. UK: Polity Press, 2023. 240 pp. ISBN: 9781509555871. $25.00. Hardcover.


Reviews should offer thoughtful analysis and criticism that is appropriate for an educated generalist and academic specialist audience. 

Reviews must include the following information:

1. Description of the work

Cover as necessary, avoiding a list of the work’s contents. 

  • Principal theme/subject and scope and purpose as indicated in the introduction, preface, or jacket 
  • Intended audience 
  • Time/geographic coverage 
  • Organization, style, and level of treatment

2. Analysis

Cover if applicable and relevant. 

  • Whether the work is successful in meeting its stated purpose 
  • Accuracy of information 
  • Author's/publisher's affiliation or background 
  • Organization 
  • Depth of coverage, currency, bias, limitations, comparisons, or uniqueness 
  • Features: format (size, paper, binding, typography), illustrations, and indexes (or lack thereof) 
  • Evaluative comments are to be supported with examples, including page citations 
  • Use quotes sparingly and always include pagination in following parentheses

3. Recommendation

  • Recommend the book generally or for specific audiences, such as undergraduate students, professionals in each field, or general interest readers. 
  • If the book is not recommended, clearly articulate the shortcomings and offer supplemental or alternative readings, if applicable.

Editorial Policy 

The opinions expressed in EGJ Reviews are those of the author. The book review editor retains the right to copy edit and edit for clarity or readability. Minor edits that do not alter the reviewer’s intent will be made without communication. If more substantial edits are necessary, the reviewer may be asked to provide comments or re-write text.


It is the journal's intent that, upon publication, copyright will revert to the author, with the understanding that Internet users will have free access to the current and archived contents of the ELECTRONIC GREEN JOURNAL. Provided authors and EGJ are given due credit, net users will have permission to use EGJ and the contents therein.

Please take a look at Copy Rights for Authors, Rights for California Digital Library , and eScholarship Repository Policy from