Library Prize for Undergraduate Research

Parent: UCLA Library

eScholarship stats: History by Item for May through August, 2024

ItemTitleTotal requests2024-082024-072024-062024-05
0dg0m0nt“Numerical determination of Chern numbers and critical exponents for Anderson localization in tight-binding and related models”342761038380
40b200z6Lack of Robustness of Lasso and Group Lasso with Categorical Predictors: Impact of Coding Strategy on Variable Selection and Prediction  25154635975
2hn029m9Priestesses and Power: The Potency and Privilege of Prostitution22047615260
3jf6w2ckLiberate the Asian American Writer: Embracing the Flaws of Amy Tan's <em>The Joy Luck Club</em>18242462668
0kj1q52j&nbsp;“The post-Cold War issues of the space conquest: Thoughts on the future of an increasingly attractive space”18117363791
19q032shIn and Out of Flow: Lo-Fi Study Beats and Their “Impactive” Qualities17343354352
0tk787nhThe New Pro-Choice: Legalizing Assisted Suicide16321465937
5t65t91sFrom Nobiin to Rutana: The Role of Arabization In Creating Sudanese Language Ideologies923328229
5gm071j9Food Sovereignty as Purpose and Strategy: the Role of Agriculture in the Zapatista Approach to Indigenous Autonomy and Governance from Below8616261529
3s52s9dvSoviet Simulacrum: The Almaty Metro and Kazakh Independence772781527
2jt011ngA Clash of Perceptions: Deceit in the Ming-Japan Negotiation During the Imjin War7218231219
3r14367jHealth as a Right versus a Privilege in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Japan: What is an Ideal Health Insurance System?657132421
7386066gFor the Love of ‘Bad, Foreign Habits’: Anglo-Saxon and Scandinavian Cultural Development and Identity Differentiation from 750 to 950 CE6513231316
9fm1c2b6Fleeing the Closet: Inclusive Refugee Programs and LGBTQ Policy in the Asylum Seeking Process64262369
25z813x4Bringing Early Modern England to Life6317121123
77v3q10tMusic as Medicine: A Literature Review and Project Proposal for "Ethnomusic Therapy" and Medical Ethnomusicology6115201214
8rc4w0d0Taiko in Brazil: Japanese Cultural Diaspora and Hybridization Through Percussion Music611915819
31x1011dMetabolic Regulation of Cell Identity and Therapy Response in Prostate Cancer592112620
0977b221Bioelectronics for Wearable and Implantable Electrical Stimulation Therapeutics58202387
0wf7h4vkIdentification of Putative Immunity System in Cluster AZ Phages571623711
29w4r5xcPutin's Dirty Little Secret: HIV/AIDS in the Russian Federation572312139
16p8s3m1The Direct and Indirect Effects of HIV-1 on Cells of the Central Nervous System56192548
05c983kjParsimonious Machine Learning Models to Predict Resource Use in Cardiac Surgery Across a Statewide Collaborative54212256
22d189tdAdvertisements for Baritone and Guitar5430222
73z5r7qmRack Attack511818123
9wg9w8z4How Paul Landacre’s Wood Engravings of the Coachella Valley Region Reflect the Erasure of Indigenous Populations in an Emerging Capitalist Framework48181983
0m16g2r5Stimulating Antitrust Enforcement to Expand the Regenerative Agriculture Movement471415711
5qm499f2Coronal Hole Detection using Machine Learning Techniques47918614
61x8q65nThe Spaces Ulysses Occupies: Navigating the Novel with “Wandering Rocks” and Matisse47251372
2cg5r8z6John Ruskin’s Fors Clavigera: The Hero&nbsp;as Educator44251342
8d2540vp<em>Le Dernier Tango à Paris</em>: une sensation multiforme ("<em>Last Tango in Paris</em>: A Multifaceted Phenomenon")43139165
0tt7q1qbLocation, Location, Location: An Exploration of Geographic Disparities in Bank and Alternative Financial Service Access in Los Angeles County41121676
53j5k3kgPrivacy and Its Discontent: The Evolution of the Privacy Protection in China40171184
9979p457Voicing the Fox: Vulpine Bodies and the Zoopolitics of Listening39101667
0510h725Environmental DNA as a Tool For Assessing Microbial Diversity &amp; Ecological Impacts by Contaminants at a Brownfield Site in Southern California381114112
2b64j35bHistory of Laundry Products38612515
2v79p0c8The Role of Diet and Exercise in the Gut Microbiota and Metabolism36221121
3388j86dCanine Crackdown: Unreliable Drug Sniffs Threaten Civil Liberties and Equal Law Enforcement3614877
5r3344wqGod, Allah, and the Stones of Time36131346
99d4z8bhRaiding and Foraging Behavior of Megaponera analis in the Dja Biosphere Reserve of Cameroon36171135
68j6p2jcPostoperative hearing preservation in patients undergoing retrosigmoid craniotomy for resection of vestibular schwannomas: A meta-analysis of 1,249 patients35151451
62j8b7rr“There It Is, Take It!”: Water Extraction and Imperial Los Angeles3281077
33s9j9rtDams, Development and the Future of Sino-Indian Hydro- Politics3091164
0tp9z8zd<em>Pedabody -</em> The Body as Educational Instrument2961562
8tn0z0rmNumeral-Classifier Reduplication in Beijing Mandarin2911684
94w2p3szHetero-specific Alarm Call Eavesdropping in Non-vocal, Whitebellied&nbsp;Copper-striped Skinks (Emoia cyanura)288956
6vk348scMedical Denialism: Where Must Society Draw the Line?2671243
7d04r2xrPrecarity and Liminality among Jornaleros in Southern California: Structural Vulnerability, Porous Spaces and the Struggle for Being2671144
9fs2s9k9Inchoate Unitary Visions: Tracing Nationalism in the Visual Culture of Korea’s International Expositions, 1893–1929268855

Disclaimer: due to the evolving nature of the web traffic we receive and the methods we use to collate it, the data presented here should be considered approximate and subject to revision.