BACKGROUND: Nocardia are aerobic Gram-positive bacilli that can invade multiple organ systems, including the brain and lungs. It is most frequently found in patients who are immunocompromised. Invasive nocardial disease is a potentially life-threatening infection that can pose a diagnostic challenge. CASE PRESENTATION: Our case details a 76-year-old Indian woman with poorly-controlled diabetes mellitus admitted for confusion and falls. Imaging revealed intracranial abscesses and necrotic masses in the mediastinum and lungs. The suspected diagnosis was tuberculosis; however, she underwent extensive workup without a final diagnosis. Ultimately, a craniotomy with partial brain abscess resection was performed. Dura matter samples revealed Nocardia farcinica. CONCLUSIONS: This case illustrates the importance of considering Nocardia in patients with brain abscesses, particularly in those with immunocompromised states and demonstrates the diagnostic challenges that may arise in definitively making this diagnosis. Invasive procedures may be needed for diagnostic confirmation.