An annular liquid wall jet, or vortex tube, generated by helical injection inside a tube is studied experimentally as a possible means of fusion reactor shielding. The hollow confined vortex/swirling layer exhibits simultaneously all the complexities of swirling turbulence, free surface, droplet formation, bubble entrapment; all posing challenging diagnostic issues. The construction of flow apparatus and the choice of working liquid and seeding particles facilitate unimpeded optical access to the flow field. A split-screen, single-camera stereoscopic particle image velocimetry (SPIV) scheme is employed for flow field characterization. Image calibration and free surface identification issues are discussed. The interference in measurements of laser beam reflection at the interface are identified and discussed. Selected velocity measurements and turbulence statistics are presented at $$ \hbox{Re}_{\uplambda}=70$$ (Re = 3500 based on mean layer thickness).