The Large Hadron Collider at CERN offers unprecedented challenges to the design and construction of detectors and trigger/data acquisition systems. For ATLAS, a three level trigger system has been developed to extract interesting physics signatures with a 106 rate reduction. To accomplish this, components of physics analysis traditionally deferred to off-line physics analysis must be embedded within the on-line trigger system. For the Muon trigger, the specific off-line algorithms MOORE (Muon Object Oriented REconstruction) and MuId (Muon Identification) have been adopted so far for the on-line use, imposing an operation in a Bayesian-like environment where only specific hypotheses must be validated. After a short review of the ATLAS trigger, the paper shows the general strategy of the Muon Identification and Selection accessing the full event data, or being seeded from results derived at a previous stage of the trigger chain. © 2006 IEEE.