This dissertation focuses on the growth and characterization of compounds, devices, and heterostructures with large lattice constant III-V semiconductors (SMs) with high spin orbit coupling. Spin orbit coupling originates from the interaction of the orbital angular momentum and the spin angular momentum of an electron and is a key component in spintronic devices and devices for studying Majorana zero mode physics. The ultraclean environment and precise growth controls of molecular beam epitaxy were used to grow a combination of III-V materials exhibiting high spin-orbit coupling, superconductor-semiconductor devices, and ferromagnet-semiconductor heterostructures.
Rashba spin-orbit interaction is responsible for splitting the degeneracy of spin-up and spin-down electrons. The broken degeneracy is useful for spin generation and detection or creating topological insulator-like devices by applying a magnetic field. Semiconductors exhibiting high spin-orbit coupling can be gated to control both the carrier density and the strength of the Rashba interaction. Here, we use InSb/GaAs (001) to demonstrate a simple and inexpensive heterostructure, which exhibits spin-orbit coupling.
InAs quantum wells (QWs) grown on InP (001) also exhibit large Rashba spin-orbit interaction, but have demonstrated mobilities of µ>1,000,000 cm^2/Vs. In this work, we demonstrate the effects of strain compensation on QW mobility by varying both the strain in the cladding layer and the thickness of the InAs QW. We observe a maximum mobility of µ=1,160,000 cm^2/Vs, which suggests that strain compensation in near surface QWs may improve mobility while enabling proximitized superconductivity.
Until recently, Al was the superconductor of choice for superconductor-semiconductor (SuperSemi) devices. Because of the epitaxial growth mode of Al on InAs and InSb nanowires, the Al/InAs and Al/InSb systems were primarily utilized for SuperSemi devices intended to study Majorana physics. Here we demonstrate that like Al, β-Sn exhibits a hard gap, large critical field, and 2e-charging, which are all requirements for Majorana devices.
Eliciting the Majorana zero mode in a SuperSemi structure currently requires the application of a large, global magnetic field. New proposals have suggested that the large global magnetic field can be replaced with either local micromagnets or ferromagnetic (FM) contacts. However, interfacial reactions between elemental FMs and III-V’s are well known to occur. By using an antimonide-based FM, MnSb, we demonstrate a FM that has tunable magnetic properties and is compatible with III-V heterostructures.