The current increase in global fire activity, driven by climate change, land use change, and fire suppression policies, warrants a better understanding of fire’s effects on soil microorganisms which drive major biogeochemical processes including carbon turnover and nutrient availability. Viruses of prokaryotes (bacteria and archaea), which are largely dsDNA viruses, apply pressure to microbial communities via infection and lysis and may also have distinct impacts on biogeochemical cycling apart from infection dynamics, making their own responses to fire (associated with host dynamics and/or based on their extracellular durability) important factors in understanding post-fire biogeochemistry. Incorporating soil viruses into the microbial community framework has begun to elucidate their roles in key soil processes and reveal similar and distinct responses to changing environmental conditions when compared to their host. Our ability to comprehensively interrogate dsDNA viral communities in soil has been possible with the development of size filtrated metagenomics, or viromics, which enriches samples in virus-like particles and enhances the ability to recover viruses through shotgun metagenomic sequencing. Using a viromics-based approach, the following three studies investigate soil viral communities in fire-affected systems with three different angles and scopes, in response to: (1) laboratory-based heating, (2) a field-based prescribed burn, and (3) a field-based wildfire. In the first study, research was focused on isolating and understanding the effects of heating in soil, which is one of the main direct impacts from fire and is also relevant in other practices, such as solarization. Prior to this work, little was known about the effects of high temperatures on soil viruses. In this study, three data types (DNase-treated viromes, non-DNase-treated viromes, and 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing) were leveraged to measure the responses of soil viral and prokaryotic communities to heating to 30ºC, 60ºC, or 90ºC, in comparison to field and control conditions. This experiment investigated: (1) the responses of dsDNA viral communities to heating of soils from two horizons (O and A) from the same forest soil profile, (2) the extent to which specific viral taxa could be identified as heat-sensitive or heat-tolerant across replicates and soil horizons, and (3) prokaryotic and virus-host dynamics in response to heating. Both viral and prokaryotic communities responded similarly to the treatment variables, and within both soil horizons, viral and prokaryotic communities clustered into three groups, based on beta-diversity patterns: the ambient community (field, control, and 30ºC samples), the 60ºC, and the 90ºC communities. As DNase-treated viromic DNA yields were below detection limits at 90ºC, it was inferred that most viral capsids were compromised after the 90ºC treatment, indicating a maximum temperature threshold between 60ºC and 90ºC for most viral particles in these soils. Groups of heat-tolerant and heat-sensitive vOTUs were also identified across both soil sources. Overall, it was determined that over 70% of viral populations, like their prokaryotic counterparts, could withstand temperatures as high as 60ºC, with shifts in relative abundance explaining most community compositional differences across heating treatments.
In the second study, the response of viral communities to prescribed burning, a management strategy for maintaining forest health and mitigating devastating wildfires, was investigated. Soil viral community responses to a spring prescribed burn in a mixed conifer forest were assessed, as was the extent to which soil chemical properties and/or prokaryotic host communities could explain the observed patterns. With a before-after control-impact (BACI) design, two replicate soil samples were collected at each of two depths (0-3 cm and 3-6 cm) from four treatment (burn) plots and two control plots, at five timepoints (two before and three after the burn) over two months. From these 120 samples, 91 viromes were sequenced, and 198,402 viral ‘species’ (vOTUs) were recovered. Viral communities differed most significantly by location, regardless of treatment, and along with prokaryotic communities, exhibited a heterogenous response to fire. This response was correlated with soil chemical changes attributed to the burn, leading to the development of a chemistry-based burn severity index for this study. Low viromic DNA yields (a proxy for viral particle abundances) at high burn severity suggested loss of viral biomass. The relative abundances of Firmicutes, Actinobacteria, and the viruses predicted to infect them significantly increased along the burn severity gradient, suggesting survival of spore-formers and viral infection of these abundant taxa.
In the third study, soil samples were collected over the course of one year after a wildfire in Mediterranean chaparral and woodland habitats in northern California. The principal goal of the study was to compare temporal responses within each habitat to unburned controls. Wildfire resulted in substantial shifts in viral community composition in both habitats. There were significant changes in the relative abundances of viruses predicted to infect bacteria from spore-forming phyla, which were at higher abundance in burned samples. Additionally, a substantial proportion of vOTUs in both burned habitats was also found in a burned Mediterranean forest, which may indicate some conserved traits in post-fire ecosystems.
Overall, from the results of these three studies, there are significant shifts in viral community composition in response to fire and fire-related impacts (heating). Measuring responses to biologically relevant temperature changes helped to elucidate how the direct impacts of heating from a disturbance like fire might be immediately shifting communities based on temperature persistence thresholds of extracellular virions. The prescribed burn study in a forest ecosystem introduced the heterogeneity of fire as an ecosystem process and reinforced the importance of measuring burn severity, specifically based on soil chemical property changes. The burn severity index helped to reveal clear shifts in viral community composition, with evidence of decreased viral particle abundances, decreased viral richness, and changes in relative abundances of viruses that infected specific phyla, particularly host phyla that also changed in relative abundance in the prokaryotic communities. Lastly, under the least controlled fire scenario, our third study found a clear difference in viral and prokaryotic communities between soils affected by wildfire and unburned controls.