Development of a modular Nanocarrier that contains multiple Fluorescent protein and receptor modification options would allow for optimal imaging and binding conditions for therapeutic studies. In order to achieve this, protein production of these custom plasmids need to be optimized for protein yield and accuracy. Using plasmid cloning of pRS 314 and pGEM 3z plasmid vectors, a library of mCherry, mRFP, eGFP and moxGFP fluorescent tagged plasmids are produced through yeast BJ5464 and E.coli BL21 DE3 expression systems. Comparisons between both expression systems are drawn based on fluorescence detected by Nanodrop, and Western blotting to determine yield and accuracy.
Aside from fluorescent modifications, peptides that unwind under force are explored to reduce mechanical forces on bonds, thus stabilizing adhesion of nanocarriers. These peptides are referred to as springy linkers. The second part of this study includes additional cloning of ggs50, flagelliform 50, HP35 and HP35st variants of springy linkers into the pRS vector through plasmid cloning and transformation. Springy Linker plasmids are also expressed to compare protein yield across plasmids containing Springy Linkers and plasmids without linkers.
Subsequent attempts at protein production of these newly cloned vectors indicate that cloning of all fluorescent protein variants in both pGEM and pRS were successful and protein production of a sample of both plasmid types in E.coli and yeast yielded protein of correct molecular weight, with E.coli producing a more robust band under TMB colorimetric detection. Production of plasmids containing Springy linker variants produced a lower protein yield when compared to plasmids without springy linkers under identical expression conditions. Instances of non-specific protein production were also observed in Springy Linker modified plasmids.
Despite production of protein of desired size, protein fluorescence was not detected without mechanical excitation, thus presenting a need to investigate protein folding and aggregation to restore expected fluorescent attributes of our protein.