Competing magnetic interactions between magnetic ions in triangular or hexagonallattice systems can create exotic magnetic ground states of interest for quantum computing and high temperature superconductivity. These triangular/hexagonal structural
motifs have been studied extensively within several material systems, but one material system that has remains underexplored is the phosphide family LnCd3P3 (Ln =
Lanthanide). LnCd3P3 compounds possess well-separated Ln3+ ions set in a triangular
lattice, which makes this system another avenue to study frustrated magnetism and the
resulting exotic magnetic ground states. Previously, the properties of the LaCd3P3 and
CeCd3P3 have been examined in detail, and the crystal structure of PrCd3P3 has been
studied with X-Ray Diffraction. In this work, a new method for synthesizing high quality polycrystalline samples of these LnCd3P3 compounds is presented. This new method
was used to synthesize polycrystalline samples of NdCd3P3, which is a new member of
the LnCd3P3 material system. We then conducted resistivity, heat capacity, and magnetization measurements of NdCd3P3 samples, which revealed magnetic transitions at
temperatures below 20 K. Next, a flux growth method for synthesizing single crystals of
heavier LnCd3P3 compounds was developed. PrCd3P3 single crystals were then grown
using this method and studied with magnetization and heat capacity measurements.