Hydrogen is a likely energy carrier of the future due to
the absence of carbon, low emissions when converted
in various end-use technologies, and ability to be
cleanly and efficiently produced from various domestic
primary energy sources. In 2003 the Federal government
launched theHydrogen Fuel Initiative with a total
budget of $1.2 billion over 5 years in order to accelerate
research and development of fuel cell technologies [12].
Importantly, major automobile manufacturers are
operating fuel cell vehicles that run on pure hydrogen
gas, and several fuel cell buses are in operation in major
cities around the world. Companies such as Shell, Air
Products and Chemicals, Chevron, and Air Liquide are
developing hydrogen production, distribution, and
dispensing technologies for hydrogen vehicles along
with strategies to deploy them. Moreover, the state of
California intends to reduce the carbon content of
transportation fuels through the Low Carbon Fuel
Standard. Additional legislation in the areas of energy
and climate, such as that contained in California laws
entitled AB32, AB1493, SB76, and SB1368, highlight
California’s commitment to ensuring low greenhouse
gas emissions for both electricity and transportation
fuels [12]. Many other places around the world, including
Germany and fellow European Union countries, Japan, China, and Korea, are advancing hydrogen
fueling and vehicle technology. Therefore, developing
a highly efficient, low-emission, and economically
viable hydrogen production and delivery methodology
is of great importance from environmental, social,
economic, and political perspectives.