Atom interferometry is a powerful metrological tool that has been developed over the last few decades. Large momentum transfer (LMT) methodsmanipulate atomic trajectories with tens or hundreds of photon momenta
in order to increase sensitivity. This thesis furthers progress towards using
LMT methods in next-generation atom interferometers. One main result establishes symmetric Bloch oscillations as a new, viable technique for LMT.
Theory and numerics are used to show how the process is coherent and
adiabatic, and experimentally we demonstrate coherence in an interferometer with up to 240¯hk, where ¯hk is the momentum of a single photon of
852nm light. This was the second largest coherent momentum splitting
demonstrated at at the time of publication. The rest of the thesis focuses
on design and construction of a new atomic fountain to measure the fine
structure constant α. Discrepancies in recent measurements of α [67, 55]
are currently limiting theory predictions for the electron gyromagnetic ratio
[25] - an improved measurement of α is therefore highly motivated and would
enable an improved test of the consistency of the Standard Model. Previously, our group published a measurement of α at the 0.2 ppb level in 2018
[67]. We built a new experiment with a goal of improving the measurement
by a factor of 3-10. Much of the thesis focuses on systematic effects related
to spatial intensity inhomogeneities on the laser beam, which are some of
the hardest to characterize systematic effects looking forward. A large clear
aperture vacuum chamber accommodates larger waist laser beams without
clipping on chamber walls. In addition, a high-speed, user-friendly Monte
Carlo simulation package was made to predict experimental systematic shifts
in the measured value of α due to laser beam inhomogeneities.