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Scholarly Works (5 results)
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Música de Fondo no. 1
Pérez, Sergio
Contemporary Music Score Collection
This music score was submitted for the Kaleidoscope 2020 Call for Scores, an open access collaboration with the UCLA Music Library.
Ensoñación y fantasía ritual
Pérez, Sergio
Contemporary Music Score Collection
Pérez, Sergio
Contemporary Music Score Collection
This music score was submitted for the Kaleidoscope 2020 Call for Scores, an open access collaboration with the UCLA Music Library.
Peer Reviewed
Vision, challenges and opportunities for a Plant Cell Atlas
Ahmed, Jahed
Alaba, Oluwafemi
Ameen, Gazala
Arora, Vaishali
Arteaga-Vazquez, Mario A
Arun, Alok
Bailey-Serres, Julia
Bartley, Laura E
Bassel, George W
Bergmann, Dominique C
Bertolini, Edoardo
Bhati, Kaushal Kumar
Blanco-Touriñán, Noel
Briggs, Steven P
Brumos, Javier
Buer, Benjamin
Burlaocot, Adrien
Cervantes-Pérez, Sergio Alan
Chen, Sixue
Contreras-Moreira, Bruno
CORPAS, Francisco J
Cruz-Ramirez, Alfredo
Cuevas-Velazquez, Cesar L
Cuperus, Josh T
David, Lisa I
de Folter, Stefan
Denolf, Peter H
Ding, Pingtao
Dwyer, William P
Evans, Matthew MS
George, Nancy
Handakumbura, Pubudu P
Harrison, Maria J
Haswell, Elizabeth S
Herath, Venura
Jiao, Yuling
Jinkerson, Robert E
John, Uwe
Joshi, Sanjay
Joshi, Abhishek
Joubert, Lydia-Marie
Katam, Ramesh
Kaur, Harmanpreet
Kazachkova, Yana
Raju, Sunil K Kenchanmane
Khan, Mather A
Khangura, Rajdeep
Kumar, Ajay
Kumar, Arun
Kumar, Pankaj
Kumar, Pradeep
Lavania, Dhruv
Lew, Tedrick Thomas Salim
Lewsey, Mathew G
Lin, Chien-Yuan
Liu, Dianyi
Liu, Le
Liu, Tie
Lokdarshi, Ansul
Luong, Ai My
Macaulay, Iain C
Mahmud, Sakil
Mähönen, Ari Pekka
Malukani, Kamal Kumar
Marand, Alexandre P
Martin, Carly A
McWhite, Claire D
Mehta, Devang
Martín, Miguel Miñambres
Mortimer, Jenny C
Nikolov, Lachezar A
Nobori, Tatsuya
Nolan, Trevor M
Ogden, Aaron J
Otegui, Marisa S
Ott, Mark-Christoph
Palma, José M
Paul, Puneet
Rehman, Atique U
Romera-Branchat, Maida
Romero, Luis C
Roth, Ronelle
Sah, Saroj K
Shahan, Rachel
Solanki, Shyam
Song, Bao-Hua
Sozzani, Rosangela
Stacey, Gary
Stepanova, Anna N
Taylor, Nicolas L
Tello-Ruiz, Marcela K
Tran, Tuan M
Tripathi, Rajiv Kumar
Vadde, Batthula Vijaya Lakshmi Vadde
Varga, Tamas
Vidovic, Marija
Walley, Justin W
Wang, Zhiyong
Weizbauer, Renate A
Whelan, James
Wijeratne, Asela J
Xiang, Tingting
Xu, Shouling
Yadegari, Ramin
Yu, Houlin
Yuan, Hai Ying
Zanini, Fabio
Zhao, Feng
Zhu, Jie
Zhuang, Xiaohong
Jha, Suryatapa Ghosh
Borowsky, Alexander T
Cole, Benjamin J
Fahlgren, Noah
Farmer, Andrew
Huang, Shao-shan Carol
Karia, Purva
Libault, Marc
Provart, Nicholas J
Rice, Selena L
Saura-Sanchez, Maite
Agarwal, Pinky
Ahkami, Amir H
Anderton, Christopher R
Briggs, Steven P
Brophy, Jennifer AN
Denolf, Peter
Di Costanzo, Luigi F
Exposito-Alonso, Moises
Giacomello, Stefania
Gomez-Cano, Fabio
Kaufmann, Kerstin
Ko, Dae Kwan
Kumar, Sagar
Malkovskiy, Andrey V
Nakayama, Naomi
Obata, Toshihiro
Otegui, Marisa S
Palfalvi, Gergo
Quezada-Rodríguez, Elsa H
Singh, Rajveer
Uhrig, R Glen
Waese, Jamie
Van Wijk, Klaas
Wright, R Clay
Ehrhardt, David W
Birnbaum, Kenneth D
Rhee, Seung Y
LBL Publications
With growing populations and pressing environmental problems, future economies will be increasingly plant-based. Now is the time to reimagine plant science as a critical component of fundamental science, agriculture, environmental stewardship, energy, technology and healthcare. This effort requires a conceptual and technological framework to identify and map all cell types, and to comprehensively annotate the localization and organization of molecules at cellular and tissue levels. This framework, called the Plant Cell Atlas (PCA), will be critical for understanding and engineering plant development, physiology and environmental responses. A workshop was convened to discuss the purpose and utility of such an initiative, resulting in a roadmap that acknowledges the current knowledge gaps and technical challenges, and underscores how the PCA initiative can help to overcome them.
Peer Reviewed
World guidelines for falls prevention and management for older adults: a global initiative
Montero-Odasso, Manuel
van der Velde, Nathalie
Martin, Finbarr C
Petrovic, Mirko
Tan, Maw Pin
Ryg, Jesper
Aguilar-Navarro, Sara
Alexander, Neil B
Becker, Clemens
Blain, Hubert
Bourke, Robbie
Cameron, Ian D
Camicioli, Richard
Clemson, Lindy
Close, Jacqueline
Delbaere, Kim
Duan, Leilei
Duque, Gustavo
Dyer, Suzanne M
Freiberger, Ellen
Ganz, David A
Gómez, Fernando
Hausdorff, Jeffrey M
Hogan, David B
Hunter, Susan MW
Jauregui, Jose R
Kamkar, Nellie
Kenny, Rose-Anne
Lamb, Sarah E
Latham, Nancy K
Lipsitz, Lewis A
Liu-Ambrose, Teresa
Logan, Pip
Lord, Stephen R
Mallet, Louise
Marsh, David
Milisen, Koen
Moctezuma-Gallegos, Rogelio
Morris, Meg E
Nieuwboer, Alice
Perracini, Monica R
Pieruccini-Faria, Frederico
Pighills, Alison
Said, Catherine
Sejdic, Ervin
Sherrington, Catherine
Skelton, Dawn A
Dsouza, Sabestina
Speechley, Mark
Stark, Susan
Todd, Chris
Troen, Bruce R
van der Cammen, Tischa
Verghese, Joe
Vlaeyen, Ellen
Watt, Jennifer A
Masud, Tahir
Singh, Devinder Kaur Ajit
Aguilar-Navarro, Sara G
Caona, Edgar Aguilera
Alexander, Neil B
Allen, Natalie
Anweiller, Cedric
Avila-Funes, Alberto
Santos, Renato Barbosa
Batchelor, Francis
Becker, Clemens
Beauchamp, Marla
Birimoglu, Canan
Blain, Hubert
Bohlke, Kayla
Bourke, Robert
Bouzòn, Christina Alonzo
Bridenbaugh, Stephanie
Buendia, Patricio Gabriel
Cameron, Ian
Camicioli, Richard
Canning, Colleen
Cano-Gutierrez, Carlos Alberto
Carbajal, Juan Carlos
de Abreu, Daniela Cristina Carvalho
Casas-Herrero, Alvaro
Ceriani, Alejandro
Cesari, Matteo
Chiari, Lorenzo
Clemson, Lindy
Close, Jacqueline
Alemǻn, Luis Manuel Cornejo
Dawson, Rik
Delbaere, Kim
Doody, Paul
Dsouza, Sabestina
Duan, Leilei
Duque, Gustavo
Dyer, Suzanne
Ellmers, Toby
Fairhall, Nicola
Ferruci, Luigi
Freiberger, Ellen
Frith, James
Espinola, Homero Gac
Ganz, David A
Giber, Fabiana
Gómez, José Fernando
Gutiérrez-Robledo, Luis Miguel
Hartikainen, Sirpa
Hausdorff, Jeffrey
Hogan, David B
Wong, Chek Hooi
Howe, Simon
Hunter, Susan
Jara, Javier Perez
Jauregui, Ricardo
Jellema, Anton
Jenni, Suen
Jepson, Ditte
Kalula, Sebastiana
Kamkar, Nellie
Singh, Devinder Kaur Ajit
Kenny, Rose Anne
Kerse, Ngaire
Kobusingye, Olive
Kressig, Reto
Lamb, Sallie
Latham, Nancy
Lim, Mei Ling
Lipsitz, Lewis
Liu-Ambrose, Teresa
Logan, Pip
Lord, Stephen
Lourenço, Roberto Alves
Madden, Kenneth
Mallet, Louise
Marín-Larraín, Pedro
Marsh, David R
Martin, Finbarr C
Padilla, Diego Martínez
Masud, Tahir
Mat, Sumaiyah
McGarrigle, Lisa
McIlroy, Bill
Melgar-Cuellar, Felipe
Menant, Jasmine
Milisen, Koen
Mimenza, Alberto
Moctezuma-Gallegos, Rogelio
Montero-Odasso, Manuel
Morris, Meg E
Muneeb, Irfan
Negahban, Hossein
Nieuwboer, Alice
Norris, Mireille
Ogliari, Giulia
Oliveira, Juliana
Parodi, José F
Perez, Sergio
Perracini, Monica
Petrovic, Mirko
Ovares, José Ernesto Picado
Pieruccini-Faria, Frederico
Pighills, Alison
Pinheiro, Marina
Poelgeest, Eveline
Ulate, Xinia Ramirez
Robinson, Katie
Ryg, Jesper
Said, Cathy
Sakurai, Ryota
Schapira, Marcelo
Sejdic, Ervin
Seppala, Lotta J
Sgaravatti, Aldo
Sherrington, Cathie
Skelton, Dawn
Song, Yu
Speechley, Mark
Stark, Susan
Sultana, Munira
Suri, Anisha
Tan, Maw Pin
Taylor, Morag
Thomsen, Katja
Tiedemann, Anne
Tito, Susana Lucia
Todd, Chris
Troen, Bruce
Van der Cammen, Tischa
Van der Velde, Nathalie
Verghese, Joe
Vlaeyen, Ellen
Watt, Jennifer
Welmer, Ana-Karim
Won, Chang Won
Zijlstra, GA Rixt
UCLA Previously Published Works
falls and fall-related injuries are common in older adults, have negative effects on functional independence and quality of life and are associated with increased morbidity, mortality and health related costs. Current guidelines are inconsistent, with no up-to-date, globally applicable ones present.
to create a set of evidence- and expert consensus-based falls prevention and management recommendations applicable to older adults for use by healthcare and other professionals that consider: (i) a person-centred approach that includes the perspectives of older adults with lived experience, caregivers and other stakeholders; (ii) gaps in previous guidelines; (iii) recent developments in e-health and (iv) implementation across locations with limited access to resources such as low- and middle-income countries.
a steering committee and a worldwide multidisciplinary group of experts and stakeholders, including older adults, were assembled. Geriatrics and gerontological societies were represented. Using a modified Delphi process, recommendations from 11 topic-specific working groups (WGs), 10 ad-hoc WGs and a WG dealing with the perspectives of older adults were reviewed and refined. The final recommendations were determined by voting.
all older adults should be advised on falls prevention and physical activity. Opportunistic case finding for falls risk is recommended for community-dwelling older adults. Those considered at high risk should be offered a comprehensive multifactorial falls risk assessment with a view to co-design and implement personalised multidomain interventions. Other recommendations cover details of assessment and intervention components and combinations, and recommendations for specific settings and populations.
the core set of recommendations provided will require flexible implementation strategies that consider both local context and resources.