In online networks, the polarization of opinions (e.g.,
regarding presidential elections or referenda) has been
associated with the creation of “echo-chambers” of like-
minded peers, secluded from those of contrary viewpoints.
Previous work has commonly attributed such phenomena to
self-regarding preferences (e.g., confirmation bias), individual
differences, and the pre-dispositions of users, with clusters
forming over repeated interactions.
The present work provides a proof of concept Agent-Based
Model that demonstrates online networks are susceptible to
echo-chambers from a single opinion cascade, due to the
spatiotemporal order induced by lateral transmission. This
susceptibility is found to vary as a function of degree of
interconnectivity and opinion strength. Critically, such effects
are found despite globally proportionate levels of opinions,
equally rational agents (i.e. absent conformity, confirmation
bias or pre-disposition architecture), and prior to cyclical
The assumptions and implications of this work, including the
value of Agent-Based Modelling to cognitive psychology, are