Classical communication schemes that exploit wave modulation are the basis of
the information era. The transfer of information based on the quantum
properties of photons revolutionized these modern communication techniques.
Here we demonstrate that also matterwaves can be applied for information
transfer and that their quantum nature provides a high level of security. Our
technique allows transmitting a message by a non-trivial modulation of an
electron matterwave in a biprism interferometer. The data is encoded by a Wien
filter introducing a longitudinal shift between separated matterwave packets.
The transmission receiver is a delay line detector performing a dynamic
contrast analysis of the fringe pattern. Our method relies on the Aharonov-Bohm
effect and has no light optical analog since it does not shift the phase of the
electron interference. A passive eavesdropping attack will cause decoherence
and terminating the data transfer. This is demonstrated by introducing a
semiconducting surface that disturbs the quantum state by Coulomb interaction
and reduces the contrast. We also present a key distribution protocol based on
the quantum nature of the matterwaves that can reveal active eavesdropping.