- von Zanthier, C;
- de Boer, W;
- Grindhammer, G;
- Hylen, J;
- Harral, B;
- Hearty, C;
- Labarga, L;
- Matthews, J;
- Schaad, M;
- Abrams, G;
- Adolphsen, CE;
- Akerlof, C;
- Alexander, JP;
- Alvarez, M;
- Baden, AR;
- Ballam, J;
- Barish, BC;
- Barklow, T;
- Barnett, BA;
- Bartelt, J;
- Blockus, D;
- Bonvicini, G;
- Boyarski, A;
- Boyer, J;
- Brabson, B;
- Breakstone, A;
- Brom, JM;
- Bulos, F;
- Burchat, PR;
- Burke, DL;
- Butler, F;
- Calvino, F;
- Cence, RJ;
- Chapman, J;
- Cords, D;
- Coupal, DP;
- DeStaebler, HC;
- Dorfan, DE;
- Dorfan, JM;
- Drell, PS;
- Feldman, GJ;
- Fernandez, E;
- Field, RC;
- Ford, WT;
- Fordham, C;
- Frey, R;
- Fujino, D;
- Gan, KK;
- Gidal, G;
- Glanzman, T;
- Goldhaber, G;
- Green, A;
- Grosse-Wiesmann, P;
- Haggerty, J;
- Hanson, G;
- Harr, R;
- Harris, FA;
- Hawkes, CM;
- Hayes, K;
- Herrup, D;
- Heusch, CA;
- Himel, T;
- Hoenk, M;
- Hutchinson, D;
- Innes, WR;
- Jaffre, M;
- Jaros, JA;
- Juricic, I;
- Kadyk, JA;
- Karlen, D;
- Kent, J;
- Klein, SR;
- Koska, W;
- Kozanecki, W;
- Lankford, AJ;
- Larsen, RR;
- Levi, ME;
- Li, Z;
- Litke, AM;
- Lüth, V;
- Meyer, DI;
- Milliken, BD;
- Moffeit, KC;
- Müller, L;
- Nash, J;
- Nelson, ME;
- Nitz, D;
- Ogren, H;
- O'Shaughnessy, KF;
- Parker, SI;
- Peck, C;
- Perl, ML;
- Petersen, A;
- Petradza, M;
- Porter, FC;
- Rankin, P;
- Riles, K;
- Rust, DR;
- Sadrozinski, HFW;
- Schalk, TL;
- Schmidke, WB;
- Schwarz, AS;
- Seiden, A;
- Smith, JG;
- Snyder, A;
- Soderstrom, E;
- Stoker, DP;
- Stroynowski, R;
- Thun, R;
- Trilling, GH;
- Tschirhart, R;
- Van Kooten, R;
- Veltman, H;
- Voruganti, P;
- Wagner, SR;
- Weber, P;
- Weinstein, AJ;
- Weir, AJ;
- Weisz, S;
- White, SL;
- Wicklund, E;
- Wood, DR;
- Wu, DY
A precise measurement of the ratio R of the total cross section e+e-hadrons to the pointlike cross section e+e-+- at a center-of-mass energy of 29.0 GeV is presented. The data were taken with the upgraded Mark II detector at the SLAC storage ring PEP. The result is R=3.920.050.09. The luminosity has been determined with three independent luminosity monitors measuring Bhabha scattering at different angular intervals. Recent calculations of higher-order QED radiative corrections are used to estimate the systematic error due to missing higher-order radiative corrections in the Monte Carlo event generators. © 1991 The American Physical Society.