The purpose of this paper is to modify the notion of the Nevanlinna constant
$\operatorname{Nev}(D)$, recently introduced by the first author, for an
effective Cartier divisor on a projective variety $X$. The modified notion is
called the birational Nevanlinna constant and is denoted by
$\operatorname{Nev}_{\text{bir}}(D)$. By computing
$\operatorname{Nev}_{\text{bir}}(D)$ using the filtration constructed by
Autissier in 2011, we establish a general result (see the General Theorem in
the Introduction), in both the arithmetic and complex cases, which extends to
general divisors the 2008 results of Evertse and Ferretti and the 2009 results
of the first author. The notion $\operatorname{Nev}_{\text{bir}}(D)$ is
originally defined in terms of Weil functions for use in applications, and it
is proved later in this paper that it can be defined in terms of local
effectivity of Cartier divisors after taking a proper birational lifting. In
the last two sections, we use the notion $\operatorname{Nev}_{\text{bir}}(D)$
to recover the proof of an example of Faltings from his 2002 Baker's Garden