Language comprehenders routinely make pragmatic inferences
that go beyond the literal meanings of utterances. If A said “I
ate some of the cookies,” B should infer that A ate some but
not all. Children perform poorly on experimental tests of scalar
implicatures like this, despite their early-emerging sensitivity
to pragmatic cues. Our current work explores potential factors
responsible for children’s successes and failures in computing
pragmatic inferences. In two experiments, we used an eyetracking
paradigm to test children’s ability to compute implicatures
when they have access to contextual alternatives to the
target word (Experiment 1), and when they hear prosodic cues
that emphasize the contrast between the target and alternative
(Experiment 2). We found that by the time children are four
years old, they successfully identify the inferential target referent
in this paradigm; with supportive prosodic cues, we saw
evidence of success in three-year-olds as well. In sum, with
sufficient contextual support, preschool children are capable
of making online pragmatic inferences.