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Open Access Publications from the University of California

The Equilibrium

The Equilibrium bannerUC San Diego

Authorship Guidelines

Who Can Submit to The Equilibrium

The Equilibrium is a University of California, San Diego (UCSD) organization that is dedicated to the publishing of any research done by undergraduate students attending UCSD. A submitter can be enrolled in any undergraduate college (i.e. Roger Revelle College, John Muir College, Thurgood Marshall College, Earl Warren College, Eleanor Roosevelt College, Sixth College). UCSD alumni can also submit their work as long as the research submitted was done while the submitter was an undergraduate student.

Criteria for Claiming Authorship

The Equilibrium mostly follows the guidelines set forward by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE). Their official guidelines can be found here. There are certain criteria that must be met in order for an individual to claim authorship on submitted work. ICMJE defines that authorship can be given based on:

  1. Substantial contributions to the conception or design of the work; or the acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data for the work; AND

  2. Drafting the work or revising it critically for important intellectual content; AND

  3. Final approval of the version to be published; AND

  4. Agreement to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved.

In order to claim authorship on a submitted manuscript, the criteria above must be considered and met. It is the responsibility of the submitter(s) to determine who/anyone involved gets authorship or not. The Equilibrium holds no responsibility in determining, mediating, or qualifying whether or not a submitter gets authorship.

Other Resources Pertaining to Authorship

While The Equilibrium mostly follows the guidelines set forth by the ICMJE, there are other research journals that outline their own guidelines.

How to Claim Authorship

All submissions will be submitted through this JotForm link and this link only:

Submissions sent via other methods other than the listed JotForm will not be accepted or considered for publication.

Single Author. A submitter can claim authorship on the work that they submitted through the official The Equilibrium submission JotForm. Submissions sent via other methods (e.g. mail, email, in-person drop off, etc.) are not accepted and will not be considered for publication.

More than one Author. If a single submission has more than one individual claiming authorship, any and all individuals who wish to claim authorship must submit the same work through the official The Equilibrium submission JotForm. All individuals involved in the submitted work must submit an individual submission form in order for the submission to be considered. For example, if three authors wish to claim authorship on a single submission, then all three individuals must independently submit an submission JotForm for a total of three submission requests for the same work.

All individuals wishing to claim authorship on a single submission must submit the manuscript through the JotForm. If one or more individuals wishing to claim authorship attempts to submit the manuscript through any means other than the JotForm, the submission will not be considered.

In the case that a dispute arises, it is the responsibility of the submitters to find a resolution. The Equilibrium and its staff members can aid the submitters in finding a resource to help settle the dispute, but take no responsibility in the outcome.

Submission with Permission of an Author Not Claiming Authorship. In the case that a submitter wishes to submit a manuscript, but that submitter is not the only individual who worked on the manuscript, the submitter can still be considered for publication if and only if they receive permission from the other author(s) who do not wish to claim authorship of a possible publication in The Equilibrium. If this is so, The Equilibrium is not responsible of getting the consent of the other author(s), and the submitter who wishes to claim authorship must get the written consent.