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Open Access Publications from the University of California


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Models for Human Navigation and Optimal Path Planning Using Level Set Methods and Hamilton-Jacobi Equations


We present several models for different physical scenarios which are centered around human movement or optimal path planning, and use partial differential equations and concepts from control theory. The first model is a game-theoretic model for environmental crime which tracks criminals' movement using the level set method, and improves upon previous continuous models by removing overly restrictive assumptions of symmetry. Next, we design a method for determining optimal hiking paths in mountainous regions using an anisotropic level set equation. After this, we present a model for optimal human navigation with uncertainty which is rooted in dynamic programming and stochastic optimal control theory. Lastly, we consider optimal path planning for simple, self-driving cars in the Hamilton-Jacobi formulation. We improve upon previous models which simplify the car to a point mass, and present a reasonably general upwind, sweeping scheme to solve the relevant Hamilton-Jacobi equation.

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