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Floer Homology Theories for Knots in Lens Spaces
- Boozer, Allen David
- Advisor(s): Manolescu, Ciprian
We describe two projects involving the construction of Floer homology
theories for knots in lens spaces. In the first project, we propose
definitions of complex manifolds P_M(X,m,n) that could potentially be
used to construct the symplectic Khovanov homology of n-stranded knots
in lens spaces. The manifolds P_M(X,m,n) are defined as moduli spaces
of Hecke modifications of rank 2 parabolic bundles over an elliptic
curve X. To characterize these spaces, we describe all possible Hecke
modifications of all possible rank 2 vector bundles over X, and we
use these results to define a canonical open embedding of P_M(X,m,n)
into M^s(X,m+n), the moduli space of stable rank 2 parabolic bundles
over X with trivial determinant bundle and m+n marked points. We
explicitly compute P_M(X,1,n) for n=0,1,2. For comparison, we present
analogous results for the case of rational curves, for which a
corresponding complex manifold P_M(CP^1,3,n) is isomorphic for n even
to a space Y(S^2,n) defined by Seidel and Smith that can be used to
compute the symplectic Khovanov homology of n-stranded knots in S^3.
In the second project, we describe a scheme for constructing
generating sets for Kronheimer and Mrowka's singular instanton knot
homology for the case of knots in lens spaces. The scheme involves
Heegaard-splitting a lens space containing a knot into two solid tori.
One solid torus contains a portion of the knot consisting of an
unknotted arc, as well as holonomy perturbations of the Chern-Simons
functional used to define the homology theory. The other solid torus
contains the remainder of the knot. The Heegaard splitting yields a
pair of Lagrangians in the traceless SU(2)-character variety of the
twice-punctured torus, and the intersection points of these
Lagrangians comprise the generating set that we seek. We illustrate
the scheme by constructing generating sets for several example knots.
Our scheme is a direct generalization of a scheme introduced by
Hedden, Herald, and Kirk for describing generating sets for knots in
S^3 in terms of Lagrangian intersections in the traceless
SU(2)-character variety for the 2-sphere with four punctures.
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