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Open Access Publications from the University of California

Digital Scholarship and Digital Libraries: Past, Present, and Future

Creative Commons 'BY-NC-ND' version 4.0 license

In a few short decades, the practices of scholarship have been transformed by the use of digital resources, tools, and services. Some shifts are obvious, such as seeking, reading, and publishing research online, often to the exclusion of print. Other shifts are subtle, such as data being viewed as research products to be disseminated. Research objects are more atomized, yet aggregated in new ways. Digital technologies offer opportunities to innovate in scholarly practice, collaboration, and communication. Innovation in digital libraries is necessary to advance digital scholarship. The talk will present a set of challenges for 21st century research and practice drawn from Prof. Borgman’s forthcoming book, tentatively titled Big Data, Little Data, noData. Video of the keynote available here: (Part One) and (Part Two) More information available at: and #tpdl2013

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