- Main
Measurement of the B→Xsγ branching fraction and photon energy spectrum using the recoil method
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- Izen, JM;
- Lou, XC;
- Ye, S;
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- Lanceri, L;
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- Azzolini, V;
- Lopez-March, N;
- Martinez-Vidal, F;
- Milanes, DA;
- Oyanguren, A;
- Albert, J;
- Banerjee, Sw;
- Bhuyan, B;
- Hamano, K;
- Kowalewski, R;
- Nugent, IM;
- Roney, JM;
- Sobie, RJ;
- Harrison, PF;
- Ilic, J;
- Latham, TE;
- Mohanty, GB;
- Band, HR;
- Chen, X;
- Dasu, S;
- Flood, KT;
- Hollar, JJ;
- Kutter, PE;
- Pan, Y;
- Pierini, M;
- Prepost, R;
- Wu, SL;
- Neal, H
- et al.
We present a measurement of the branching fraction and photon-energy spectrum for the decay B→Xsγ using data from the BABAR experiment. The data sample corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 210fb-1, from which approximately 680000 BB̄ events are tagged by a fully reconstructed hadronic decay of one of the B mesons. In the decay of the second B meson, an isolated high-energy photon is identified. We measure B(B→Xsγ)=(3. 66±0.85stat±0.60syst)×10-4 for photon energies Eγ above 1.9GeV in the B rest frame. From the measured spectrum we calculate the first and second moments for different minimum photon energies, which are used to extract the heavy-quark parameters mb and μπ2. In addition, measurements of the direct CP asymmetry and isospin asymmetry are presented. © 2008 The American Physical Society.
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