ere-Maxwell Law while imposing Gauss' Laws as initial conditions. We employ a damping scheme inspired by the Advanced Weather Research and Forecasting Model to eliminate non-physical waves reflected off of coarse-fine grid boundaries, and Kreiss-Oliger artificial dissipation to remove standing wave instabilities. Surprisingly, artificial dissipation appears to damp the spuriously reflected waves at least as effectively as the atmospheric community's damping scheme."/> ere-Maxwell Law while imposing Gauss' Laws as initial conditions. We employ a damping scheme inspired by the Advanced Weather Research and Forecasting Model to eliminate non-physical waves reflected off of coarse-fine grid boundaries, and Kreiss-Oliger artificial dissipation to remove standing wave instabilities. Surprisingly, artificial dissipation appears to damp the spuriously reflected waves at least as effectively as the atmospheric community's damping scheme."/> ere-Maxwell Law while imposing Gauss' Laws as initial conditions. We employ a damping scheme inspired by the Advanced Weather Research and Forecasting Model to eliminate non-physical waves reflected off of coarse-fine grid boundaries, and Kreiss-Oliger artificial dissipation to remove standing wave instabilities. Surprisingly, artificial dissipation appears to damp the spuriously reflected waves at least as effectively as the atmospheric community's damping scheme."/>
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Open Access Publications from the University of California

UC Berkeley

UC Berkeley Electronic Theses and Dissertations bannerUC Berkeley

A fourth-order adaptive mesh refinement solver for Maxwell's Equations


We present a fourth-order accurate, multilevel Maxwell solver, discretized

in space with a finite volume approach and advanced in time with the

classical fourth-order Runge Kutta method (RK4). Electric fields are

decomposed into divergence-free and curl-free parts; we solve for the

divergence-free parts of Faraday's Law and the Amp\`ere-Maxwell Law

while imposing Gauss' Laws as initial conditions. We employ a damping

scheme inspired by the Advanced Weather Research and Forecasting

Model to eliminate non-physical waves reflected off of coarse-fine

grid boundaries, and Kreiss-Oliger artificial dissipation to remove standing

wave instabilities. Surprisingly, artificial dissipation appears to damp the

spuriously reflected waves at least as effectively as the atmospheric

community's damping scheme.

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