Game of Slugs
By Fighting Weasels studios
Thursday Section: 8 to 10pm
Section Leader: Peter Mawhorter
Team Members: Cooper Smith & Robert Griego
Game of Slugs is a unique game that offers a satirical look into the typical freshman experience, featuring UC Santa Cruz. The incoming students will experience
a wide variety of amusing and stressful situations based off stories and experience from college students this game was modeled after. These include: signing up
for classes, avoiding marketers, activists and fraternities, finding food at the dining halls, being sexiled form your dorm room, and trudging to an early-morning
class. Class Chaos requires reaction-timing point-and-click gameplay in order to successfully sign up for all of the desired classes.Worry Plaza resembles Pac Man
game as the player uses the arrow keys to move and collect objects while avoiding the annoying marketers and promoters constantly trying to talk to the player and
make them late for class. Dining Hall Panic requires players to select from a variety of food choices in order to create a meal that is somehow both tasty and healthy.
Locked Out has a pattern-repetition mechanic that requires players to watch, remember, and replicate the necessary knocking pattern to get their roommates attention.
The 8:00 am uses the arrow keys and a gameplay mechanic resembling that of Dance Dance Revolution in order to keep the very sleepy character steady and walking as he
heads off to his morning class.