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Measurements of branching fractions and CP asymmetries and studies of angular distributions for B→ϕϕK decays
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- Alam, MS;
- Ernst, JA;
- Gorodeisky, R;
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- Lou, XC;
- Bianchi, F;
- Gamba, D;
- Lanceri, L;
- Vitale, L;
- Lopez-March, N;
- Martinez-Vidal, F;
- Oyanguren, A;
- Ahmed, H;
- Albert, J;
- Banerjee, Sw;
- Choi, HHF;
- King, GJ;
- Kowalewski, R;
- Lewczuk, MJ;
- Lindsay, C;
- Nugent, IM;
- Roney, JM;
- Sobie, RJ;
- Gershon, TJ;
- Harrison, PF;
- Latham, TE;
- Puccio, EMT;
- Band, HR;
- Dasu, S;
- Pan, Y;
- Prepost, R;
- Vuosalo, CO;
- Wu, SL
- et al.
We present branching fraction and CP asymmetry measurements as well as angular studies of B→ÏÏK decays using 464×106 BB̄ events collected by the BABAR experiment. The branching fractions are measured in the ÏÏ invariant mass range below the ηc resonance (mÏÏ<2.85GeV). We find B(B+→ÏÏ K+)=(5.6±0.5±0.3)×10-6 and B(B0→ÏÏK0)=(4.5±0.8±0.3)×10-6, where the first uncertainty is statistical and the second systematic. The measured direct CP asymmetries for the B± decays are A CP=-0.10±0.08±0.02 below the ηc threshold (mÏÏ<2.85GeV) and ACP=0. 09±0.10±0.02 in the ηc resonance region (m ÏÏ in [2.94, 3.02] GeV). Angular distributions are consistent with JP=0- in the ηc resonance region and favor JP=0+ below the ηc resonance. © 2011 American Physical Society.
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