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Open Access Publications from the University of California

Zombies Strike Back

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Zombies Strike Back

Alpha Yee

Jean-Claude Charrier

      This world has been controlled for far too long by the tyranny of the humans. As long as men are in control of the world, Zombies will never be free to enjoy this world they mindlessly walk in. You are the only hope for your kind. You have advanced beyond the capabilities of your zombie brethren and are able to think, use guns that projects syringes to fight, and lead your fellow zombies against your oppressors. You will venture in through various areas in habited and defended by humans, mainly by the police force and military. With that said you will encounter radiated hearts to modify your ammo with explosive and extinguishing capabilities.  Explosives will be used for destroying unmovable debris that hinders your path of destroying humanity. Your extinguishing capability will be used for saving your fellow brothers and sisters engulfed by a ring of fire.  If you choose to extinguish the fire, you can add them to your swarm in order to survive any hits you may take by sacrificing the simple-minded of your kind.  End the wrongful tyranny that has for so long kept you from freedom. You are the last and only hope for all of zombie-kind.

Main Content

Executable file.


GameMaker gmz file.
