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Open Access Publications from the University of California


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Deer would be my inspiration for this game. To be honest, I do not have much experience with deer, growing up, there might be 3 or maybe 4 times where I encounter deer in real life. But in game, many times. There are two variants of deers in games. One, an easy target, practice tool for a beginner. Or the peace lover with enormous power yet only use it to protect the nature/forest it loves dearly. So I went with the second approach. Overall, this game is pretty much a hero game, well at least the beginning of a hero game. This is just the part where the player starts in bigger games. The main thing I wanted to express in the story, especially toward the end, was that only those who really care for the land are worth to process the power. There are many choices within the game will lead to bad endings but I believe that is how trials in real life work. Maybe one wrong choice will lead to a bad consequence. Games nowadays will make you the main character as you did some good, blah blah blah. Yet there are no actual procedures where you become the main character. In my game, NO. your action decides where you will go. Be the main character for maybe my next game. Or made the wrong choices and get punished for it

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