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Open Access Publications from the University of California

Unraveling the Influence of Uncultivated Habitat on Avian Grape Damage in a Viticultural Landscape


Uncultivated habitats within and near farms can strongly affect the ecosystem services and disservices delivered by birds in agriculture. In winegrape vineyards, previous work suggests insect-eating birds have the potential to remove pests, but grape-eating birds can cause crop losses by damaging or removing ripe grapes. We conducted avian point counts and grape damage surveys at 20 and 6 vineyards, respectively, in Napa Valley, California in late summer 2023 to investigate the hypothesis that uncultivated habitats increase the abundance of grape-damaging birds and grape damage. We detected 22 bird species considered to potentially damage grapes. The three most common species – dark-eyed juncos, European starlings, and house finches – accounted for 45% of all detections. The number of potential winegrape damagers was, on average, 46% lower in vineyard interiors than near edges (>75 m or <30 m from vineyard edge, respectively). Overall, we observed very little (<1%) grape damage from birds, though the timing of our surveys may have been early for this vintage marked by a cool wet spring. We found mixed support for the hypothesis that grape damage is positively associated with uncultivated habitats. As predicted, grape bunch damage was higher on sample plots with nearby grassland habitat (within 25 m). However, at a larger landscape scale, we found that grape bunch damage increased with more urban habitat and increased at further distances from uncultivated habitat. These results suggest that the proximity of wooded uncultivated habitats, such as forests, oak woodlands, and riparian habitats, did not lead to increased grape damage in this study. Given how little bird-caused grape damage was observed, we suspect the benefits of native habitat along edges and in the landscape for attracting insect-eating birds outweigh the costs of a few more grape-damaging birds, though this should be investigated formally.

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