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Open Access Publications from the University of California

UC San Diego

UC San Diego Electronic Theses and Dissertations bannerUC San Diego

Chemical sensor development leading to an glucose detection method


The development of a viable sensing platform for the purpose of small molecule detection was explored on two different platforms: a Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor (MOSFET) and an Interdigitated Electrode (IDE). A standard operating procedure (SOP) for the reliable fabrication of gold gated MOSFET platforms and IDE platforms was created via standard cleanroom techniques. The n-MOSFET platform (p-channel device) drain current (IDS) shifts due to the binding of a self assembled monolayer (SAM) onto the Au-gated FET. The IDS directly correlates to the (VG - VTH)². Binding of an electron donating pdiethyamino phenyl isocyanide SAM onto the gate results in an positive shifted IDS /decreased VTH, while an electron withdrawing species, 1,4-phenyl diisocyanide SAM exhibits a negative IDS/increased VTH. These changes in VTH shift corresponds to an electron donating species acting as a positive gate bias into the gold gate while electron acceptors acts as a negative gate bias. Binding studies show thiophene 3-boronic acid (TBA) readily binds glucose with a binding constant of Keq = 42M⁻¹, an order of magnitude larger than reported literature values for phenyl boronic acid. Chemical binding of 1,2-diol to poly-TBA was shown by fluorescent emission spectroscopy. Crystal structures of TBA bound to ethylene glycol and pinnacol confirm 1,2-diol binding. An IDE platform was functionized with thiophene 3-boronic acid (TBA) polymer via electrochemical deposition for direct detection of 1,2-diols. Conduction measurements were made upon exposure to 1,2-diol functional groups such as glucose. Buffered (pH 7.4) glucose solutions from 1 - 10 mM exhibited increases in the current across the poly- TBA, and attributed to glucose binding. We have demonstrated by chemical, optical, and electrochemical methods that 1,2-diols such as glucose directly binds to poly-TBA and is an alternative to traditional indirect glucose detection methods

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