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Deep exclusive electroproduction of $π^0$ at high $Q^2$ in the quark valence regime
- Collaboration, The Jefferson Lab Hall A;
- Dlamini, M;
- Karki, B;
- Ali, SF;
- Lin, P-J;
- Georges, F;
- Ko, H-S;
- Israel, N;
- Rashad, MNH;
- Stefanko, A;
- Adikaram, D;
- Ahmed, Z;
- Albataineh, H;
- Aljawrneh, B;
- Allada, K;
- Allison, S;
- Alsalmi, S;
- Androic, D;
- Aniol, K;
- Annand, J;
- Atac, H;
- Averett, T;
- Gayoso, C Ayerbe;
- Bai, X;
- Bane, J;
- Barcus, S;
- Bartlett, K;
- Bellini, V;
- Beminiwattha, R;
- Bericic, J;
- Biswas, D;
- Brash, E;
- Bulumulla, D;
- Campbell, J;
- Camsonne, A;
- Carmignotto, M;
- Castellano, J;
- Chen, C;
- Chen, J-P;
- Chetry, T;
- Christy, ME;
- Cisbani, E;
- Clary, B;
- Cohen, E;
- Compton, N;
- Cornejo, JC;
- Dusa, S Covrig;
- Crowe, B;
- Danagoulian, S;
- Danley, T;
- Persio, F De;
- Deconinck, W;
- Defurne, M;
- Desnault, C;
- Di, D;
- Duer, M;
- Duran, B;
- Ent, R;
- Fanelli, C;
- Franklin, G;
- Fuchey, E;
- Gal, C;
- Gaskell, D;
- Gautam, T;
- Glamazdin, O;
- Gnanvo, K;
- Gray, VM;
- Gu, C;
- Hague, T;
- Hamad, G;
- Hamilton, D;
- Hamilton, K;
- Hansen, O;
- Hauenstein, F;
- Henry, W;
- Higinbotham, DW;
- Holmstrom, T;
- Horn, T;
- Huang, Y;
- Huber, GM;
- Hyde, C;
- Ibrahim, H;
- Jen, C-M;
- Jin, K;
- Jones, M;
- Kabir, A;
- Keppel, C;
- Khachatryan, V;
- King, PM;
- Li, S;
- Li, W;
- Liu, J;
- Liu, H;
- Liyanage, A;
- Magee, J;
- Malace, S;
- Mammei, J;
- Markowitz, P;
- McClellan, E;
- Meddi, F;
- Meekins, D;
- Mesik, K;
- Michaels, R;
- Mkrtchyan, A;
- Montgomery, R;
- Camacho, C Munoz;
- Myers, LS;
- Nadel-Turonski, P;
- Nazeer, SJ;
- Nelyubin, V;
- Nguyen, D;
- Nuruzzaman, N;
- Nycz, M;
- Obretch, OF;
- Ou, L;
- Palatchi, C;
- Pandey, B;
- Park, S;
- Park, K;
- Peng, C;
- Pomatsalyuk, R;
- Pooser, E;
- Puckett, AJR;
- Punjabi, V;
- Quinn, B;
- Rahman, S;
- Reimer, PE;
- Roche, J;
- Sapkota, I;
- Sarty, A;
- Sawatzky, B;
- Saylor, NH;
- Schmookler, B;
- Shabestari, MH;
- Shahinyan, A;
- Sirca, S;
- Smith, GR;
- Sooriyaarachchilage, S;
- Sparveris, N;
- Spies, R;
- Su, T;
- Subedi, A;
- Sulkosky, V;
- Sun, A;
- Thorne, L;
- Tian, Y;
- Ton, N;
- Tortorici, F;
- Trotta, R;
- Urciuoli, GM;
- Voutier, E;
- Waidyawansa, B;
- Wang, Y;
- Wojtsekhowski, B;
- Wood, S;
- Yan, X;
- Ye, L;
- Ye, Z;
- Yero, C;
- Zhang, J;
- Zhao, Y;
- Zhu, P
We report measurements of the exclusive neutral pion electroproduction cross section off protons at large values of $x_B$ (0.36, 0.48 and 0.60) and $Q^2$ (3.1 to 8.4 GeV$^2$) obtained from Jefferson Lab Hall A experiment E12-06-014. The corresponding structure functions $d\sigma_L/dt+\epsilon d\sigma_T/dt$, $d\sigma_{TT}/dt$, $d\sigma_{LT}/dt$ and $d\sigma_{LT'}/dt$ are extracted as a function of the proton momentum transfer $t-t_{min}$. The results suggest the amplitude for transversely polarized virtual photons continues to dominate the cross-section throughout this kinematic range. The data are well described by calculations based on transversity Generalized Parton Distributions coupled to a helicity flip Distribution Amplitude of the pion, thus providing a unique way to probe the structure of the nucleon.
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