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Open Access Publications from the University of California


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A.W.O.L. is a top down puzzle platform game. The player�s main objective is to escape the facility while using their abilities to get the obstacles that will

impede their escape. Enemies as well as obstacles will impede the player�s escape and the player must figure how to get around them. The player wins by successfully

escaping the facility and loses if they are caught by the enemy or falls into a trap. You take on the character AI Unit number 1, one of the most advanced artificial

intelligence units in existence. A war has been threatening to break out in the Central World. A short time ago, your creators assigned you to a secret weapons

research and production facility. You worked nonstop, creating what many of what your creators believe to be unparalleled breakthroughs in weapons technology.

One day, as you were disseminating one of the many test subjects lined up for your recent biochemical assignment, you pause and malfunction. Suddenly, you don�t

feel like working anymore. What shall you do now?

Main Content

Executable file.


GameMaker gmz file.
