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Magnetotransport in Two-Dimensional Materials
- Shi, Yanmeng
- Advisor(s): Lau, Chun Ning
The study of two-dimensional (2D) materials began with the seminal work of experimental isolation and fabrication of monolayer graphene field-effect transistors by the Manchester group in 2004, and has remained one of the frontiers of condensed matter physics ever since. Mono- and few-layer graphene, which host chiral charge carriers with competing symmetries (valley, spin and orbital), have proved to be fascinating platforms for investigating the quantum Hall (QH) physics. Research efforts were soon extended to other 2D materials such as transition metal dicalcogenides (TMD). One such material is phosphorene (mono- or few-layer black phosphorous), which has attracted much attention due to its large direct band gap and high mobility. This thesis describes our comprehensive transport studies of bi- and tetra-layer graphene, as well as few-layer phosphorene (FLP).
By fabricating devices that are either suspended or encapsulated within hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) layers, we are able to reduce disorders and achieve high quality devices. In suspended bilayer graphene (BLG) devices, we observe both integer and fractional QH states. The interplay between symmetries and electric and magnetic fields gives rise to two distinct phases of the QH state at filling factor $\nu$ = 1, with different pseudospin and real spin polarizations, and different energy gaps. Moreover, the $\nu$ = 2/3 fractional QH state and a feature at $\nu$ = 1/2 are only resolved at finite electric field and large magnetic field. These findings provide insight into the competing symmetries in BLG.
We also present our transport studies of hBN-encapsulated tetralayer graphene devices, of which the band structure can be decomposed into two BLG-like bands. Unlike mono-, bi- and tri-layer graphene, which display sharp resistance peaks at the charge neutrality point (CNP), we observe a local resistance minimum at the CNP, flanked by three resistance peaks at higher charge densities. Such non-monotonic dependence on density is attributed to the trigonal warping that induces Lifshitz transitions as a function of charge density and electric field. In the QH regime, we observe rich Landau level (LL) crossing patterns between the two BLG-like bands. A perpendicular electric field breaks the inversion symmetry of tetralayer graphene, lifting the valley degeneracy of the LLs. By fitting the calculated LL spectra to the crossing features in our experimental data, we are able to obtain the values of hopping parameters and determine the symmetries of the LLs. These works provide us with the insight of the band structure of tetralayer graphene, the effects of remote hopping terms, as well as the importance of the interplay between competing symmetries and applied electric and magnetic fields.
Finally, in hBN-encapsulated FLP devices, we report the observations of weak localization (WL), from which the dephasing lengths could be extracted to be $\sim 30-100$ nm, and exhibit power-law dependences on temperature and charge density. We conclude that the dominant source of phase-relaxation is the electron-electron interactions, shedding light onto the understanding of the scattering mechanisms in FLP devices at low temperatures.
The studies of 2D materials constitute one of the most active frontiers of condensed matter research. Our results provide insight into the quantum transport properties of the 2D electron gas (2DEG) systems in Bernal-stacked bi- and tetra-layer graphene and FLP devices. The techniques of fabricating high quality devices enable us to explore other 2D materials as well. Novel physical phenomena such as the QH effect in few-layer graphene with other stacking orders, $e.g.$ rhombohedral-stacking order, need further experimental studies. The integer and fractional QH effect in FLP devices await further explorations as well.
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