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Observation of direct CP violation in the measurement of the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa angle γ with B±→D(*)K(*)± decays
- Lees, JP;
- Poireau, V;
- Tisserand, V;
- Grauges, E;
- Palano, A;
- Eigen, G;
- Stugu, B;
- Brown, DN;
- Kerth, LT;
- Kolomensky, Yu G;
- Lynch, G;
- Koch, H;
- Schroeder, T;
- Asgeirsson, DJ;
- Hearty, C;
- Mattison, TS;
- McKenna, JA;
- So, RY;
- Khan, A;
- Blinov, VE;
- Buzykaev, AR;
- Druzhinin, VP;
- Golubev, VB;
- Kravchenko, EA;
- Onuchin, AP;
- Serednyakov, SI;
- Skovpen, Yu I;
- Solodov, EP;
- Todyshev, K Yu;
- Yushkov, AN;
- Kirkby, D;
- Lankford, AJ;
- Mandelkern, M;
- Atmacan, H;
- Gary, JW;
- Long, O;
- Vitug, GM;
- Campagnari, C;
- Hong, TM;
- Kovalskyi, D;
- Richman, JD;
- West, CA;
- Eisner, AM;
- Kroseberg, J;
- Lockman, WS;
- Martinez, AJ;
- Schumm, BA;
- Seiden, A;
- Chao, DS;
- Cheng, CH;
- Echenard, B;
- Flood, KT;
- Hitlin, DG;
- Ongmongkolkul, P;
- Porter, FC;
- Rakitin, AY;
- Andreassen, R;
- Huard, Z;
- Meadows, BT;
- Sokoloff, MD;
- Sun, L;
- Bloom, PC;
- Ford, WT;
- Gaz, A;
- Nauenberg, U;
- Smith, JG;
- Wagner, SR;
- Ayad, R;
- Toki, WH;
- Karbach, TM;
- Spaan, B;
- Schubert, KR;
- Schwierz, R;
- Bernard, D;
- Verderi, M;
- Clark, PJ;
- Playfer, S;
- Bettoni, D;
- Bozzi, C;
- Calabrese, R;
- Cibinetto, G;
- Fioravanti, E;
- Garzia, I;
- Luppi, E;
- Piemontese, L;
- Santoro, V;
- Baldini-Ferroli, R;
- Calcaterra, A;
- de Sangro, R;
- Finocchiaro, G;
- Patteri, P;
- Peruzzi, IM;
- Piccolo, M;
- Rama, M;
- Zallo, A;
- Contri, R;
- Guido, E;
- Vetere, M Lo;
- Monge, MR;
- Passaggio, S;
- Patrignani, C;
- Robutti, E;
- Bhuyan, B;
- Prasad, V;
- Morii, M;
- Adametz, A;
- Uwer, U;
- Lacker, HM;
- Lueck, T;
- Dauncey, PD;
- Mallik, U;
- Chen, C;
- Cochran, J;
- Meyer, WT;
- Prell, S;
- Rubin, AE;
- Gritsan, AV;
- Arnaud, N;
- Davier, M;
- Derkach, D;
- Grosdidier, G;
- Le Diberder, F;
- Lutz, AM;
- Malaescu, B;
- Roudeau, P;
- Schune, MH;
- Stocchi, A;
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- Wright, DM;
- Chavez, CA;
- Coleman, JP;
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- Payne, DJ;
- Touramanis, C;
- Bevan, AJ;
- Di Lodovico, F;
- Sacco, R;
- Sigamani, M;
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- Brown, DN;
- Davis, CL;
- Denig, AG;
- Fritsch, M;
- Gradl, W;
- Griessinger, K;
- Hafner, A;
- Prencipe, E;
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- Lafferty, GD;
- Behn, E;
- Cenci, R;
- Hamilton, B;
- Jawahery, A;
- Roberts, DA;
- Dallapiccola, C;
- Cowan, R;
- Dujmic, D;
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- Cheaib, R;
- Lindemann, D;
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- Robertson, SH;
- Biassoni, P;
- Neri, N;
- Palombo, F;
- Stracka, S;
- Cremaldi, L;
- Godang, R;
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- Summers, DJ;
- Nguyen, X;
- Simard, M;
- Taras, P;
- De Nardo, G;
- Monorchio, D;
- Onorato, G;
- Sciacca, C;
- Martinelli, M;
- Raven, G;
- Jessop, CP;
- LoSecco, JM;
- Wang, WF;
- Honscheid, K;
- Kass, R;
- Brau, J;
- Frey, R;
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- Strom, D;
- Torrence, E;
- Feltresi, E;
- Gagliardi, N;
- Margoni, M;
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- Posocco, M;
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- Akar, S;
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- Briand, H;
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- Gioi, L Li;
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- Bünger, C;
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- Wilson, FF;
- Emery, S;
- de Monchenault, G Hamel;
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- Gabareen, AM;
- Graham, MT;
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- Hast, C;
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- Kim, P;
- Kocian, ML;
- Leith, DWGS;
- Lewis, P;
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- Luitz, S;
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- Neal, H;
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- Roodman, A;
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- Snyder, A;
- Su, D;
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- Wulsin, HW;
- Young, CC;
- Ziegler, V;
- Park, W;
- Purohit, MV;
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- Wilson, JR;
- Randle-Conde, A;
- Sekula, SJ;
- Bellis, M;
- Burchat, PR;
- Miyashita, TS;
- Puccio, EMT;
- Alam, MS;
- Ernst, JA;
- Gorodeisky, R;
- Guttman, N;
- Peimer, DR;
- Soffer, A;
- Spanier, SM;
- Ritchie, JL;
- Ruland, AM;
- Schwitters, RF;
- Wray, BC;
- Izen, JM;
- Lou, XC;
- Bianchi, F;
- Gamba, D;
- Zambito, S;
- Lanceri, L;
- Vitale, L;
- Martinez-Vidal, F;
- Oyanguren, A;
- Villanueva-Perez, P;
- Ahmed, H;
- Albert, J;
- Banerjee, Sw;
- Bernlochner, FU;
- Choi, HHF;
- King, GJ;
- Kowalewski, R;
- Lewczuk, MJ;
- Nugent, IM;
- Roney, JM;
- Sobie, RJ;
- Tasneem, N;
- Gershon, TJ;
- Harrison, PF;
- Latham, TE;
- Band, HR;
- Dasu, S;
- Pan, Y;
- Prepost, R;
- Wu, SL
- et al.
We report the determination of the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa CP-violating angle γ through the combination of various measurements involving B ±→DK±, B±→D *K±, and B±→DK *± decays performed by the BABAR experiment at the PEP-II e+e- collider at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory. Using up to 474 million BB̄ pairs, we obtain γ=(69-16+17) modulo 180. The total uncertainty is dominated by the statistical component, with the experimental and amplitude-model systematic uncertainties amounting to ±4. The corresponding two-standard-deviation region is 41 <γ<102. This result is inconsistent with γ=0 with a significance of 5.9 standard deviations. © 2013 American Physical Society.
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