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Open Access Publications from the University of California


The Transportation Sustainability Research Center fosters research, education, and outreach so that transportation can serve to improve economic growth, environmental quality, and equity. Our work focuses on real-world research with the public and private sectors that can help to advance policy understanding and the social good. Co-Directors are Professor Susan Shaheen, Dr. Tim Lipman, and Professor Arpad Horvath. The groups participating in this effort are the:

University of California Transportation Center

University of California Energy Institute

Institute of Transportation Studies

Energy and Resources Group

Center for Global Metropolitan Studies

Berkeley Institute of the Environment

UC Berkeley Transportation Sustainability Research Center

There are 211 publications in this collection, published between 1995 and 2025.
Recent Work (211)

Shared Micromoblity Policy Toolkit: Docked and Dockless Bike and Scooter Sharing

Shared Micromobility – the shared use of a bicycle, scooter, or other low-speed mode – is an innovative transportation strategy that enables users to have short-term access to a mode of transportation on an as-needed basis. Shared micromobility includes various service models and transportation modes that meet the diverse needs of travelers, such as station-based bikesharing (a bicycle picked-up from and returned to any station or kiosk) and dockless bikesharing and scooter sharing (a bicycle or scooter picked up and returned to any location). Early documented impacts of shared micromobility include increased mobility, reduced greenhouse gas emissions, decreased automobile use, economic development, and health benefits.

Framework for Testing Innovative Transportation Solutions: Case Study of Carlink, a Commuter Carsharing Program 

Transit accounts for just two percent of total travel in the U.S. One reason for low ridership is limited access; many individuals either live or work too far from a transit station. In developing transit connectivity solutions, researchers often employ a range of study instruments, such asstated-preference surveys, focus groups, and pilot programs. To better understand response to one innovative transit solution, the authors employed a number of research tools, including: a longitudinal survey, field test, and pilot program. The innovation examined was a commutercarsharing model, called CarLink, which linked short-term rental vehicles to transit andemployment centers. Over several years, researchers explored user response to the CarLinkconcept, a field operational test (CarLink I), a pilot program (CarLink II), and a commercial operation (the pilot was turned over to Flexcar in summer 2002). This multi-staged approach provided an opportunity for researchers to learn and adapt as each phase progressed. In thispaper, the authors outline the CarLink model, technology, and early lessons learned; describe CarLink II operational understanding; provide a synopsis of the pilot program transition; and offer recommendations for future model development.

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