Submission Guidelines
The Journal of Astronomy in Culture accepts submissions from anyone and will consider publication as long as the submission adheres to established academic conventions. While the specific disciplines from which the submission draws its methods may range from astronomy to archaeology to anthropology to ethnography to indigenous studies and beyond, it is at the editors’ discretion to determine whether a recognizable convention has been followed.
Format your paper by using the example of the Vol. 2 2023 "St. Louis Mound Group" paper posted on this website.
Citations and references must follow the APA citation style. Do not cite with footnotes or endnotes. Use the examples in the Journal of Astronomy in Culture Style Guide for Citations and References that is provided here. Style Guide for Citations and References
Submissions must be submitted through the "Submit" portal located in the upper right part of the homepage. Images and Tables should be included. Do not submit in PDF or any format other than MS Word.
The article submission must include the author’s name, academic affiliation, title of submission, submission abstract, and key words.